Online Course with American Experts facilitated by US Embassy

Author : Humas | Thursday, October 29, 2015 19:08 WIB
Deborah L Mak saat mensosialisasikan tentang kuliah online di Aula Perpustakaan Pusat UMM, Kamis (29/10). 

     Embassy of America and American Corner of University of Muhammadyah Malang (Amcor UMM) hold the joint event socialization of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in the hall of UMM Library Center on Wednesday (29/10). MOOC is a distance learning short course with US through website

     According to the CO of electronic education of the US embassy, Deborah L Mak, the UMM students and civilians can attend the course in various science discipline by directly learning from the experts without going to America. Those who graduate from this online course will receive legal certificate from the US embassy.

     Deborah stated that the lecturers in MOOC are the experts in their field. “There are many programs in MOOC, even the specific program such as music and leadership. The lecturers are also expert,” she said.

     Deborah added that as the MOOC new program started from April 2015, MOOC has already two thousand students starting from high school students, university students, teachers, also civilians.

     “We didn’t limit the students only on the university students because this is an open program,” as said by this woman. The MOOC program use Bahasa Indonesia and English so that the learning process becomes much easier, added by Deborah.

     The meeting will be every Saturday and will take four to teen weeks, stated by the program coordinator of Amcor UMM, Heru Wibowo. “It depends on how much subjects the MOOC student take”, he asserted

The program of the US Embassy broadens the knowledge of Indonesian people also participating in the MOOC teaching learning process is the same as studying in America without directly going to America. Besides holding socialization event, entrepreneurship event will also be held by US Embassy. (dik/zul/han/t_rfd)



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