Civic Researcher Group UNS Did A Comparative Study to UMM
Author : Humas | Friday, February 09, 2018 20:18 WIB
Dr. Nurul Zuriah, MSi was welcoming "Research Group" Philosophy and Politics of Citizenship" UNS |
"Research Group" Philosophy and Politics of Citizenship "from Surakarta Sebelas Maret State University (UNS) visited PPKn Study Program University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to discuss various issues of nationality and citizenship.
"Discussing the Indonesian characterization and research titles that can be developed by Civics group research," said Dr. Winarto M. Si as Chairman of Research Group "Philosophy and Politics Citizenship in GKB 1 Room 6.41.
Winarto admitted that his group was interested in visiting UMM primarily to sharpen the analysis in finding the latest issues to support the research program.
"Hopefully, we can find and show the actual issues, then our research can be accepted," added the man who also served as Head of PPKn UNS.
Head of Research Division at Directorate of Research and Community Service UMM, Dr. Nurul Zuriah, MSi, argued the arrival of UNS for comparative study gives energy for UMM. Primarily, to strengthen in solving the problems of the nation is the field of citizenship politics.
"The arrival of Linear from UNS strengthens us. Prodi PPKn UMM is not alone to solve the problems of the nation," said the woman who is also a PPKn lecturer.
Nurul hopes through a network that will form a comprehensive result. "We hope there is further cooperation," she concluded. (ard)
Dr. Nurul Zuriah, MSi was welcoming "Research Group" Philosophy and Politics of Citizenship" UNS |
"Research Group" Philosophy and Politics of Citizenship "from Surakarta Sebelas Maret State University (UNS) visited PPKn Study Program University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to discuss various issues of nationality and citizenship.
"Discussing the Indonesian characterization and research titles that can be developed by Civics group research," said Dr. Winarto M. Si as Chairman of Research Group "Philosophy and Politics Citizenship in GKB 1 Room 6.41.
Winarto admitted that his group was interested in visiting UMM primarily to sharpen the analysis in finding the latest issues to support the research program.
"Hopefully, we can find and show the actual issues, then our research can be accepted," added the man who also served as Head of PPKn UNS.
Head of Research Division at Directorate of Research and Community Service UMM, Dr. Nurul Zuriah, MSi, argued the arrival of UNS for comparative study gives energy for UMM. Primarily, to strengthen in solving the problems of the nation is the field of citizenship politics.
"The arrival of Linear from UNS strengthens us. Prodi PPKn UMM is not alone to solve the problems of the nation," said the woman who is also a PPKn lecturer.
Nurul hopes through a network that will form a comprehensive result. "We hope there is further cooperation," she concluded. (ard)