Academic Potential Test followed by ADEM students |
The Ministry of Education and Culture (KEMDIKBUD) through the Directorate of Special Education and Special Services (PKLK), the FPSI held a full-day event of Interests and talent test and the Forum Group Discussion (FGD).
This event which was held annually was attended by 205 students from 35 schools within Regional 3 including Malang Raya, Batu, Kediri, Blitar and Pasuruan.
Being one of the five faculties in Indonesia that chosen by KEMDIKBUD through PKLK, organizing committee head Siti Maimunah, S.Psi., MM., MA admitted proudly for such this trust.
"Psychology Faculty is the only one of five faculties in Indonesia that is trusted by KEMDIKBUD. This is the pride for FPSI UMM, "he said.
FPSI is not merely to carry out tests and mentoring students but also for teachers who became ADEM students. The mentoring activities for teachers were conducted separately and guided by lecturers of Psychology UMM.
"We do not let the companion teacher to be stranded and spend time out without additional knowledge, so we gather and meet them in a discussion group to be able to share experiences each other," Siti added.
Participants in this activity were students from Senior High School (SMA) at 10 and 12 grade. Test participants mapping based on the needs of 10th grade students who will face majors at high school and the 12th grade students who will face specialization at university level. (Naz)