UMM Thematic KKN in Palu: Revive the Hospital to Awaken the Local Economy

Author : Humas | Friday, January 18, 2019 14:40 WIB
One of the voluntary activities of the Thematic KKN of UMM Disaster Impact Rehabilitation in Palu when opening a health post. (Photo: Special)

Student of Thematic Community Service Program (KKN) of Rehabilitation of Disaster Impacts University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) began volunteer activities in Palu, Sigi and Donggala since last Monday (1/14).

One of the activities of the UMM Thematic Rehabilitation KKN students for this time helped to prepare the re-establishment of the Siti Fadhilah Suphari Hospital Pembina Kesejahteraan Umat (PKU) of Muhammadiyah in Palu, Thursday (1/17).

The hospital which had been vacuumed was revived by adding human resources from volunteers. In addition, this hospital was used as a centre for distributing medicines to a number of affordable areas.

Regarding the re-establishment of Siti Fadhilah Hospital PKU Muhammadiyah, Dr. Agus Taufiqurrahman, M.Kes. The Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah as the Majelis Pembina Kesehatan Umum (MPKU) appreciated the performance of all volunteers.

"Alhamdulillah, today Muhammadiyah has received appreciation from the Palu community for the disaster volunteer activities. We are from the volunteer centre of PP Muhammadiyah, thank all the volunteers," he said.

Since Tuesday (1/15), several UMM students from the Faculty of Health were placed at the Hospital to help the activities at the Hospital. Started from checking health to the recovery of trauma victims or psychosocial.

UMM sent 40 students from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Health. They were spread in 6 service posts (Posyan).

Some of the Posyan was Posyan Donggala Kodi, Pantoloan, Wani Village, Bobo, Sidera and Tawaeli Villages. This voluntary activity cooperated with Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Centre (MDMC) which was on location.

Besides conducting health and psychosocial services, the volunteers also provided entrepreneurial training through the utilization of regional potential. Like in Pantoloan as a region producing lots of pineapples.

Volunteer assistance at Pentoloan trained the community to make jam products. Not only taughtthe process of making jam but also accompanied the process of packaging, distribution, until the product reached the consumer.

"Hopefully by our training and various activities, we will arouse the spirit of the victims. It also restores the independence of the community to work like before a disaster occurs," said public relations group Rizky Fariza Alfian.

KKN at UMM, in addition to being run through the scheme of deploying students in disaster-affected areas, UMM also sent their students to attend International KKN. This KKN was attended by 27 students spread across 7 countries.

It was Malaysia as many as 7 people, Thailand 12 people, Cambodia 1 person, Nepal 1 person, Sri Lanka 4 people, Poland 1 person, and Ukraine 1 person. They will go directly to the corners of the country to empower. (Win)



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