KKN UMM Held an Anti-Bullying Socialization in Elementary Schools
Author : Humas | Wednesday, August 09, 2017 06:17 WIB
Taking picture with Elementary school students and KKN UMM Team after socialization. (Photo by Istimewa) |
A number of students who are members of the real working lecture group (KKN) 153 University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held anti-bullying socialization in a number of elementary schools (SD) in Ternyang Village, Sumberpucung District, Malang Regency.
Thiss activities were conducted in turns starting from SDN 01 Ternyang to SDN 04 Ternyang, on 5-8 August 2017. "The purpose of this activity is to reduce violence in children and also to create a conducive atmosphere in the school environment. Moreover, it is now a rampant act of bullying in the school environment," said Anita Andromeda, Psychology student of UMM as the event committee.
Anita hoped by holding this socialization, the school can be a comfortable environment for the students as one of the learning places. "Being aware of bullying is one obstacle for children to learn and grow," she continued.
In the event, the students looked so enthusiastic about the material given communicatively by the presenters of KKN 153 UMM. Besides being given the materials, the students were also occasionally invited to play games and watch movies to socialize interesting walk.
Principal of SDN 01, Ternyang Endang Sumarsih, admitted very grateful for the initiation of KKN 153 UMM which has given bullying materials to the students in her school. "In the future, hopefully no more bullying in Ternyang village, including in our school," she said.
At the end of the event, all participants were given a certificate that read 'I Will Not Do Bullying' to all participants. In addition, to make the event more interesting, it was done a hand stamped with colorful paint as a symbol of anti-bullying at the school. (ard)