Australian Consul-General Admits the Diversity and Harmony at UMM

Author : Humas | Tuesday, September 19, 2023 06:56 WIB
Scientific Speech of Fiona Hoggart, Australian Consul-General (Photo: Lintang PR)

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has created a good and competent graduate. Therefore, UMM graduates must apply their knowledge and creativity to create a better future. It was conveyed directly by Fiona Hoggart, Australian Consul-General, in front of thousands of graduates at UMM's 110th graduation last September 19.

Fiona, her nickname, said that UMM students have different races, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. Even so, the sense of harmony and familiarity can be felt. "UMM is very meaningful to me. This is not my first time visiting here. I clearly see the diversity that exists here. However, it can be warm like your own family, just like UMM's relationship with Australia is very close." she said.

Furthermore, she explained that this year is the 70th year of cooperation between Indonesia and the Kangaroo Country. It includes the awarding of higher education scholarships. Until now, there have been at least 200 thousand Indonesians who have completed their studies in Australia. Including the alums from UMM, The White Campus.

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He advised the graduates to prepare for future challenges. A sense of doubt should not allowed to defeat the courage to step up and reach the goal. "Life is like an adventure that is not easy and full of obstacles. But I am sure, if you take it seriously, the results will be satisfying," she concluded.

The Head of Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) (trans: the Higher Education Service Institution) Region VII of East Java Province, Prof. Dr. Dyah Sawitri, S.E., M.M. She assessed that UMM has made a real contribution to the world of education. It is proven by the dozens of professors who have graduated. The same goes for the head lecturers who focus on their respective fields of study.

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"UMM has done many things. Mainly in making a real contribution to the family, community, nation and state through education. The results of education are followed by the dedication through sharing innovations and works that are beneficial to society," she said.

The same was conveyed by Menteri Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan (Menko PMK) (trans: the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture) and the UMM Badan Pembina Harian (BPH) Chairperson Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.AP. He gave directions to all graduates to work as broadly as possible. In addition, they also prepare themselves to provide solutions to problems faced by the nation and state, as well as Muhammadiyah. 

"I am waiting for your role in various sectors such as the economy, education, government, in the Muhammadiyah organization, and others. This is also an important action to realize the vision of the Golden Indonesia 2024," he concluded. (Put/Faq/Wil)



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