One processed coffee product. (Photo: Special) |
Ngantang is one of the abundant coffee-producing areas in Malang Regency. Even in 2017, coffee production reached 348 tons of coffee beans. Sugiati, Head of Ganten Hamlet, Tulung Rejo Village, Ngantang Subdistrict stated that her hamlet produces more than 100 tons of coffee each year. However, this coffee was only sold in wholesale with a relatively cheap price.
Seeing this problem, the Economics and Entrepreneurship group of the 1Community Service Program 105 (KKN) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) initiated to make coffee processed innovations so that the products produced had a higher selling value. One of the actions, this student group some time ago held an extension of processed coffee products through innovative coffee preparations.
Muhammad Faizal Anshori as coordinator in the Economics and Entrepreneurship Division KKN 105 UMM said, not only coffee crackers, various potentials and innovations of processed coffee products were also tried to be made such as coffee noodles, coffee fried rice, coffee soap, coffee jam until coffee masks and business analysis of processed coffee products. "Processed coffee products are given the brand KOPIN stands for Kopi Inspiratif Ngantang," said Faiz (12/8).
With the KOPIN brand, Faiz hoped that the residents of Ganten Hamlet can continue to innovate to make coffee that was unique and inspiring so that processed coffee products can be a typical product of Ganten Hamlet, especially through the coffee cracker innovation. To add value to the coffee cracker products, packaging and labelling of the products were done so that the coffee crackers had more appeal.
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Angga Pratama Fikri, as the Village Coordinator of KKN 105 UMM, said that the residents of Ganten Hamlet especially the group of mothers were very enthusiastic about the conducting of coffee processed counselling products. Angga also hoped that this extension activity can improve the economy of the residents of Ganten Hamlet and not only stop at the counselling stage but continued even after the KKN program ended. (Win)