The picture of students of UMM and SP who were joining Lex program. Photo by: rinoanugrawan |
Learning Express (Lex) program, the collaboration between University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) and Singapore polytechnic (UMM) was running again regarding it had already succeed five times. The collaboration between 24 students of UMM and 24 students of SP would do a Lex project for two weeks, started from September 26 to October 5, 2016.
Those 48 students would be divided into three groups to do three different projects, which were trash management project, making toy truck, and making pan or oven. They would be located in several villages in Batu and Malang.
The representative of Singapore Polytechnic, Virendra Yadaf said that, Lex was designed in order to make the students learn from the real world and to be beneficial for local society. By doing that, Singaporean students would be able to make connection with local people as well as show their caring by creating new technology that could be used for producing something more efficient.
Virendra also instructed to the Singaporean students who were joining this program to share ideas, make new experiences, and learn more about Indonesian people. “you will find differences between Singaporeans and Indonesians. Do not try to compare, but learn from it, and find solution so the weakness becomes a strength”. He said in Opening Ceremony Lex in Auditorium of UMM, Monday (26/9).
Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Lex UMM, Hari Obbi explained that, after opening ceremony, Singaporean students would be introduced about Indonesian language and culture, especially Indonesian lifestyle where they would do their projects, which were Batu and Malang.
Later on, Students of UMM and SP who were joining this program would conduct a research to analyze the needs and the livelihood. Then, they create a new technology to make it easier in producing something. Obbi said,” At the end of the project, there will be a presentation and displays of devotion. Based on previous projects, the works of Lex participants were very useful for the production of local people”.
Assistant Rector for International Relation, Soeparto said when giving a speech, nowadays, UMM is trying to maximize international cooperation in order to achieve international recognition. “Creating international awareness becomes a necessity today. Lex is one of the programs that can create that awareness”. (Ich / han)