Once again, Mechanical Engineering UMM Launches New CoE in Digital Manufacturing

Author : Humas | Wednesday, March 13, 2024 09:15 WIB
Mechanical Engineering UMM Launches CoE Manufacturing (Photo: Rizki Humas).

In response to the challenges of the Industry 4.0 era, the education sector is increasingly driven to advance. Many educational institutions are trying to collaborate with the Industry World of Work (DUDI) to produce generations ready to face the professional world of work. Responding to this, the Mechanical Engineering Program at Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM) launched the Center of Excellence (CoE) Digital Manufacturing on March 9. The event also marked the inaugural lecture of the CoE Welding Inspector, CoE Construction & Vehicle Simulation, which had previously been initiated.

Present at the event was Dr. Farkhan, ST., MT., the Director of PT. CNC Controller Indonesia. He expressed his pride in UMM for pioneering the CoE in digital manufacturing. Moreover, the Indonesian government has set Industry 4.0 as its target, with the largest focus being on the manufacturing industry. This is due to the manufacturing industry contributing 64% to Indonesia's GDP. Additionally, 64% of the workforce is absorbed by the manufacturing sector.

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"Unfortunately, many institutions are still not aware of digital manufacturing. So, I highly appreciate UMM for being aware and establishing this CoE in Digital Manufacturing," he added.

Furthermore, digital manufacturing is an approach to the industrial world through the digitization of product manufacturing processes. For example, the production process of a motorbike, which used to take a long time, now takes a short time with the assistance of tools and robots. "This is what is called Cobot or Robot collaboration in Industry 4.0," said the digital manufacturing practitioner.

Currently, the global market demands high-quality products with short production times and low-cost discounts. The rapidly changing consumer needs, increased product varieties, and global distribution also have an impact. Therefore, efficiency in product creation is crucial and requires special skills. Hence, Farkhan added that the efforts made by UMM, especially the Mechanical Engineering program, are excellent in addressing the challenges of the world.

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On the other hand, Zulfatman, M.Eng., Ph.D., as Vice Dean I, also stated that the launch of the CoE Digital Manufacturing program is one of UMM's efforts to address the current challenges of the workforce. Zulfatman hopes that students participating in the CoE program will not only acquire the required skills but also various experiences gained during internships in the industry.
"Because the CoE classes have the word excellence, which means that the selected students who participate in this class are individuals who will become excellent human resources. They are ready to prepare themselves for the industrial world," he concluded.  (tri/wil/fajr)



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