Sigit Baskara saat memberikan materi workshop penciptaan lagu anak di Theater UMM Dome, Senin (9/11). |
The lack of children songs for Indonesian children makes Cultural Institution (LK) of UMM to hold children songwriting workshop. The created songs are not the usual children song but educative and Islamic songs.
“The way in destroying the national moral is way too easy. Destroy its culture so that the moral of that nation is also destroyed,” asserted by Sigit Baskara, founder of Bumi Jogja Studio, at the workshop of educative and Islamic children songwriting on Monday (9/11) ay Theater UMM Dome. The workshop event was attended by approximately 200 participants from the students of Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Department, Preschool and Kindergarten teachers around East Java.
According to Sigit, songs sung by children nowadays are less educative. The content of the song has not educating messages. Sigit picks Nina Bobok as the example that tells about a girl named Nina will get bitten by mosquitos if she doesn’t sleep immediately. In fact, Sigit continues, the mosquitos are animal which can cause death to human. Sigit is concerned if the song is sung by the mother to her child.
The Head of LK UMM, Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si, stated that this event is the dedication of LK to the nowadays culture and education.
“Preschool and kindergarten children are in the golden age phase that can be used to give them attitude education, also good culture in communicating and behaving. The education in this phase is what they will bring until their adulthood,” she asserted.
Titis Anggraini, one of participants from TK Darmawanita Dau said that she was pleased because she got many new knowledge of educative and Islamic songs which can be taught to the children.
“Up till now, I only teach them the old songs and I’m not aware that those songs are less educative. Now, I can teach them the educative and Islamic songs and it’s all thanks to the workshop,” she asserted. (nov/zul/han/t_rfd)