LeX UMM Hold an Innovative Exhibition: From Coffee Picking Tool To The Salted Egg Washing Machine

Author : Humas | Thursday, March 21, 2019 10:07 WIB
One of the participant from Singapore Politechnic. (Photo: Zaki/Humas)

For almost two weeks tabulating a lot of Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) problems in Malang and Batu, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) and Singapore Polytechnic students group exhibit a number of their innovative prototype. These prototypes were exhibited in the closing of a Learning Express (LeX) program in UMM Auditorium, Wednesday (20/3).

In order to make an efficient prototype, they need to do a primary survey in the location and blend in to society. They even spent 3 days and 2 nights in developing their current research. These numerous exhibited prototype in the event were a salted egg washing machine, a coffee bean picking tool, and many other innovative prototypes.

Egg washing machine for example, which is considered efficient in time. “By using this tool, the estimated saving time reaching 3 times than normal. Usually, the washing process of one salted egg took 1 minutes or more. However, by using this tool, we can wash 16 salted egg for about 5 minutes,” said Fitria A. Linna an International Relations students.

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There is also a tool that can ease a coffee bean farmer. According to Ai Wei one of the Singapore Polytechnic students, after using his tools, he hopes that it can be the best solution from the coffee farmer experiences and complains. With this tool, at least he can ease the coffee farmer problem. Moreover, with this tool, it can shorten the coffee bean harvest time.

According to the UMM Deputy Chancellor I Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si, this cooperation is very important for the bond between the two alliance country. “With a deeper understanding, we can raise for the vision of ASEAN. I do believe that these running two weeks program will be an incredible learning experience for UMM or even SP students,” he said.

While according to the Facilitator Master of Singapore Polytechnic Vadav Virendra Signh, even if at the beginning of the program the SP students are dealing with culture shock, but it can easily be solved by the help and the friendliness of UMM students and local residents. “By the time goes by, they became way more comfortable in following this program,” he said.

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“I was worried if SP students are unable to socialize well. But my concern never happened. It was truly reflecting the ASEAN cooperation. I give my trust and great expectation to the next generation, this UMM and Singapore Polytechnic cooperation that has been established for a long time make the ASEAN zone becomes way better than today,” he concludes.

This social innovative program looks alike with the Community Service Program (KKN). The difference is the students are not just doing their service in general. “We have a module as the reference which is called Design Thinking and adapted from the Stanford and MiT booklet,” said Ambika Putri Perdani as the Program Officer of International Relation Office (IRO) UMM.

There are 5 steps that become the inserted reference into the module which is sense and sensibility, empathy study, define, ideation, prototyping, and co-creation. “They use this module to identify the user (client, red.) is it there any problems. Whether it is in the marketing field, tools field or even the processing field. Everything is exhibited in this closing activity,” said Ambika. (Joh)



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