LP3A UMM Invites Parents to Explore Children's Potential

Author : Humas | Thursday, August 04, 2022 02:55 WIB
Coloring Competition participated by Kindergarten to Elementary School throughout Malang Raya. (Photo: Haqi PR UMM)

To respect, protect and fulfill children's rights as the nation's next generation, the Institute for the Study and Empowerment of Women and Children (LP3A) Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a National Children's Day. The activity with the theme of Exploring Potential, Sharpening Creativity, Printing Achievements towards an Independent Generation was held at Sengkaling Park UMM last Saturday (31/7).

The Head of LP3A UMM, Dra. Thathit Manon Andini, M.Hum, said that this activity was ceremonial and provided a platform for Indonesian children to develop their talents and potential by participating in various competitions. In total, there are 14 categories of competitions held. This competition was experienced by 144 children from Kindergarten (TK) to Elementary School (SD) throughout Malang Raya.

"The participants will compete for 56 trophies from 14 competition categories. Not only limited to children, but our activities also target parents, lecturers, and students through webinars. Drg. Arbani Mukti Wibowo as the Head of the Malang Regency Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DB3A) and also AKP Tri Nawangsari as the Head of the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) Malang City Police," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FTTE).

Furthermore, Thathit hopes every parent can accompany their child to achieve their dreams. Providing access to proper education for children is also an important point. It happens because, in Indonesia, many children still do not get a good education.

"Data shows that 4.3 million Indonesian children aged 7-18 are still not in school. It will influence the child in determining his potential. Whereas formal educational institutions, such as schools, can strengthen the importance of mentoring for children," said Thathit.

Najamuddin, the parent of the child who was present at the activity, appreciated and expressed his pleasure in the implementation of this activity. For him, this activity is the right momentum to encourage his child's potential.

"My son is very enthusiastic and happy to attend the competition. I also feel closer to my children after participating in this activity. I hope an agenda like this will become an annual agenda," he concluded. (cdr/*Ros/Syi)



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