Achieving two degrees in one lecture is interesting. Not only shorten time of study, Twinning Program or double degree becomes an option for students who want to learn more in a shorter time.
One of Twinning Programs at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is Ahwal Syakhshiyyah Program Department of Sharia Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI). This program enables students to study at Prodi Ahwal Syakhshiyyah and Faculty of Law simultaneously.
Established since 1988, the program was initiated by Alm. Drs. Abdul Majid Fadjar SH MAg who served as Chairman of Department of Sharia. In the beginning, Sarjana Ahwal Syakhshiyyah holds a Bachelor of Islamic Religion (S.Ag). Thus, sharia graduates cannot take a candidate exam test because the candidate exam requirement judge (cakim) in 1980s was law degree. This became initiative to organize a student transfer program of majors sharia to the department of legal science emerged.
"Toward welcome, it is facilitated by the Faculty of Law," explained Idaul Hasanah, S.Ag. M. HI, Head of Department of Sharia UMM, Friday (23/3).
Ida continued, although currently Sharia graduates have a SH title, but it does not matter because the profile of Sharia majors is to make the students as practitioners and academics who have basic knowledge of shariah and basic law.
"Sharia scholars can be practitioners like judges, prosecutors, or lawyers, while academics can be lecturers and teachers," she added.
Students who take this course will receive courses in both study programs that can be adjusted by the students. However, they only need to create one legal writing (thesis).
"The degree obtained is the same in a diploma that is a law degree," she said.
At the end, there are so many lucky students get Twinning Syariah Program, ranging from adding basic knowledge to analyze the case until get the provision of experience in the law world.
"When Islamic law and syariah scholarship are combined, it will become stronger, as it is proven by the stronger twinning program students in the analysis," she concluded. (UMM Public Relations)