UMM Graduates Have a Chance to Be Professional Nurse in Japan

Author : Humas | Tuesday, July 11, 2017 09:57 WIB
Sobaruddin Subekti (second left) and Muhammad Fattahu told their experiences of being professional nurses in Japan. 

TWO graduates of Nursing Diploma Program (D3) Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Sobaruddin Subekti and Muhammad Fattahu who are currently working as nurses in Japan had shared their experiences to UMM D3 Nursing Students (10/7) on the sidelines of his vacation in Indonesia.

Subekti and Fattahu are the two of the seven graduates of Nursing D3 UMM who currently working on a few numbers of hospitals and health institutions in Japan. Subekti worked at Sangenjaya Hospital while Fattahu at Central Otaku, both located in Tokyo. They work in Japan through Indonesia and Japan cooperation programs.

For Subekti, the quality of Nursing D3 UMM graduates are highly qualified to compete professionally with abroad graduates. "knowledges and experiences that we have during our study at UMM are more than enough to compete with nurses from Philippines and even Japan itself. Our obstacle was only language, and it can be trained," he said when sharing experience event at UMM Campus II Auditorium.

The work experience abroad for them was impressive. In addition to feeling the new atmosphere with different cultures and lifestyles,the income was also quite high, especially when compared to salary of nurses in Indonesia. The first salary of a nurse can reach Rp 19 Million, while the cost of living merely among Rp 8 to 9 million. Subekti was paid around Rp 35 million because he got  registered number (RN) as a professional nurse.

Subekti acknowledged, nurses who already have RN were paid double because they were considered as a professional and were able to treat patients directly. The RN was a national certification for nurses in Japan that were also recognized internationally. To have the RN, a nurse must take a nursing exam thaf fully using Japanese language. "In fact, this also applies for nurses who graduated from college in Japan. They are also not easy to pass this exam and getting the RN. On percentage, only 10 percent of nurses who can pass this test," Subekti said.

Beside Subekti and Fattahu, on February, another graduates of D3 Nursing UMM also has worked in Japan, Micky Herera, had visited her sisters at UMM to provide motivation and inspiration. Like Subekti, Micky was also among the few nurses who have obtained the RN from the Japanese government. Even though they were D3 graduates, but in Japan their are equal with S1. With the RN, they also have the opportunity to work in Europe, because the RN was recognized internationally.

Following the many graduates who currently work in Japan, Nursing D3 UMM head, Reni Ilmiasih, said that he will strengthen the curriculum so that alumni are ready to compete internationally. "In addition to Japan, there are also some of our alumni who work in Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Australia, and so on.

For that, we try to strengthen the curriculum so their junior can follow their footsteps," he explained. In the curriculum, Reni said, it has been added the compulsory courses of foreign languages, namely Japanese and Arabic, in addition to English that has become a university program. "In addition to the curriculum, partnerships with various universities and abroad institutions are also strengthened. To be sure, we are ready to produce graduates of international standard," he concluded. (Naz)



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