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The Chairmanof Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, Dr. KH. Haedar Nasir, MSi (Photo:Zaki/PR UMM) |
Equipping new students 2019/2020 in starting their studies, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a Public Lecture Introduction to Study of New Students (Pesmaba). Located at the Dome Hall of UMM, the event presented theChairman of Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, Dr. KH. Haedar Nasir, MSi, (2/9).
In his explanation, Haedar said that the presence of Muhammadiyah aims to educate, advance and enlighten the people, nation, and humanity. For this reason, he continued, students in the Muhammadiyah Higher Education environment should not only become formal students.
"But you alsohave to be a student who really has the character as intellectual candidates, scholar candidates, even ulil albab candidates who can become enlightenment forces, both for themselves, family, people, nation and universal humanity," he said in front of 7611 new UMM students.
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He then revealed the role of Muhammadiyah figures who at a young age had a large role in advancing the nation. They are KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Ir. Djuanda and Jendral Sudirman. Starting the struggle as smart and enlightened young people, the three then became national figures who played a major role in independence and in building Indonesia.
"Students must learn from these figures and look to the future to become people who are meaningful to life. Because, the best people in Islam are those who benefit others,"he said.
To be a student with a beneficial character, Haedar advised him to continue tostruggle. He also asked students tokeep on maintaining the literacy tradition. "Iqra" whose power is not only radiated to the sky but its knowledge radiates progress through the entire universe,"he said.
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Haedar also advised that the new UMM students would become great leaders who continued the tradition of UMM in producing great leaders.
"The golden generation must be born, one of which is a student whokeeps struggling to advance, educate and enlighten his people without ulterior motives. If you become aleader, don't be selfish, be your own group, but pay attention and fight for the interests of the nation and even universal humanity. That is the spirit of Muhammadiyah and Islam rahmatan lil alamin,"he said.
In the end, Haedar reminded new students to always be enthusiastic in fighting, not tired of working hard toshare kindness to the community.
"The future belongs to those who want to fight, when you are in the midst of ease, I believethat you can fight, successor even more. It all depends on the will, sincerity, hard work and always do good to parents, lecturers, teachers, and theelders. Along with always serving to advance, enlighten and educate the people and universal humanity, it is also a form of the role of rahmatan lil alamin,"he concluded.
The Chairman of the UMM Daily Board of Trustees who was also a member of the Presidential Advisory Council of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Drs. H. A. Malik Fadjar, M.Sc., and Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP were attending the event. (joh)