UMM Students Create Android Application Majas Based

Author : Humas | Tuesday, May 22, 2018 14:55 WIB
From left to right: Dini, Shodiq, and Wulan the initiators of the 1001 Majas application.
Students of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program University of Muhammadiyah Malang (PBSI UMM) create an application that can help students to understand the types of majas or language styles. Majas usually becomes one of the material in Indonesian language lesson of elementary-high school students.

Thus, Dini Anggita Sumantri and Wulan Ria Anggraini create an android application to support student learning. "The name of the application is 1001 Majas. The purpose of this application is to help students, especially elementary school children so that they can easily recognize majas," said Dini the initiator of the application.

Dini added, the idea of ​​making this application was coming from the familiar phenomenon of children today with gadgets or android than books. To realize the application innovation, Dini and Wulan invite a student of Informatics Engineering Department of Faculty of Engineering UMM, Shodiq Imam Purnomo, into the team to finalize the concept.

Realizing that the three students are not very adept at creating and perfecting the content in the application, they also take the initiative to seek help. To make the application, they invited Informatics Engineering students, Farih Nazihullah, while the concept of their applications and comics were assisted by students of Communication Studies Program, Faisal Hidayat.

Thanks to this collaboration, the planned application was successfully materialized. Wulan said the application has three main menus, materials, games and comics. Three main menus are packed into one application to make users feel comfortable learning majas.

In the game menu, there are three options namely, The Jagoan, Crossword Puzzle, and Jodoh Kata. While in the comic menu provides another interesting type as well.

 "This one, the majas is inserted into the story," said Dini, student from Sangatta East Kalimantan.

Currently, the team is now preparing 20 stories that would be inserted to comic app. Comics that have been strung would be arranged in the application.

"This application is proposed in PKM 2018 Karsa Cipta. We also make this application can be downloaded in play store and app store immediately," said Wulan.




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