UMM Student Collects Motocross Medals and Becomes a Representative for PON

Author : Humas | Friday, November 10, 2023 10:49 WIB
Javier During the Dirt Trial Game Competition in 2023 (Photo: Special)

Hobbies often pave the way for future opportunities. That is what happened in the life of Javier Bhagawanta, a student in the Computer Engineering Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). He has succeeded in winning various motocross championships due to his passion for motorcycling.

Most recently, he secured a bronze medal or second place in the Trial Game competition series 6, a non-seeded mixed category held at Rampal Field, Malang City. He outperformed various participants, both athletes and non-athletes. This competition also served as the final event, combining several races held in multiple areas, such as Mojokerto, Tulungagung, Magelang, Purwokerto, and others.

The student from Papua admitted his fondness for trail bikes since his junior high school days. His love for trail bikes stems from his father's fondness. Witnessing Javier's potential and talent, his parents supported him in nurturing his interest in trail biking.

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Even though, to develop his hobby, he traveled from Papua to Kediri to learn trail biking. Currently, he is part of Nugroho Motocross Training (NMT) in Kediri, practicing amid the dense schedule of his studies.

"My motivation to keep competing and winning comes from the encouragement of my peers. Competitions also gauge how good my skills have become over time," he explained.

Apart from clinching victories in these competitions, he has also accumulated numerous trophies. Previously, he secured the third position in Series 4, held in Magelang. Moreover, he has been chosen as a motocross athlete to represent Papua in the upcoming PON 2024 event to be held in Aceh.

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To win these competitions, Javier highlighted the necessity of precise and proficient skills, especially on unpredictable terrain that can be muddy due to rain or dryness. Mastering the bike's manoeuvres during turns or jumps is crucial to avoid falling.

Javier hopes that his various victories will pave the way for him to become a national athlete and stand alongside his professional peers. "Of course, education remains a priority. But as long as my hobby doesn't interfere, I will continue participating in various competitions," he concluded. (*tri/wil/fajr)



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