Spelling Bee, Amcor UMM Develops English Potency of Students

Author : Humas | Wednesday, September 02, 2015 17:43 WIB

There are 36 senior-high students from 12 schools throughout Malang participating Spelling Bee Competition 2015 held by American Corner (Amcor) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Wednesday (2/9) in Auditorium of General Administration Bureau (BAU).

            This event is a national competition held simultaneously in eight different cities in Indonesia and followed by ten American Corners and one Information Resource Center (IRC) or American Information Center in Indonesia. Those cities are Malang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Pontianak, Ujung Pandang, Bandung, and Jakarta.

            Spelling Bee, according to program coordinator Heru Wibowo, is a vital thing for students. “It is a vital competition. Participants will recognize a proper learning technique. Besides memorizing, they have to know every single meaning of vocabularies, how and when to use it,” he informed.

            There are three winners from 36 participants. The first winner will become Malang representation in further national competition held on September 22nd. “Second and third one will get a package to increase their skill, especially in learning English,” added him.

            Being met in last session, the winner of Spelling Bee Competition 2015, Aura Reandra Paramitha, expressed her amazement to be the winner. “Such surprising. I learn all the materials by myself. This morning, I just had simulation with my teacher once before participating the competition,” said her, a student of Grade XI in SMAN 8 Malang.

            Aura told that she got interested in English since in elementary school. Her parents sent her to English course. “I do love playing game. Indeed, I learn much from it,” expressed her.

            Spelling Bee is a spelling competition for daily English vocabularies participated by children and students. It was firstly introduced by United States of America. A system employed in this competition gives each participant one word to spell. If it is correct, the participant will sit back in his chair. Otherwise, he will directly fall off. After last participant, the procedure will come back to first participant. It lasts for so on, leaving over three winners.

            In this competition, there are seven rounds held to leave over three winners: SMAN 8 Malang, MAN 3 Malang, and MAN 1 Malang. It is the first Spelling Bee competition held by Amcor UMM, along with other Amcors throughout Indonesia.

            Amcor UMM has five major concerns (core programs) developed annually: learning English, pedagogy consult, alumni activities, cultural programs, and USA information. “Amcor UMM is the only Amcor with the highest event in the world, compared to other 600 Amcors throughout the world. Indeed, there are more than 68 programs that have been successfully conducted in 2014,” ended Heru, who is also a lecturer for learning Bahasa Indonesia in Unit of Bahasa Indonesia for Foreign Speaker (BIPA). (ich/han/t_stu)



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