Entertaining, UMM Student Are Teaching English to Elementary Students

Author : Humas | Tuesday, November 08, 2016 11:36 WIB

One student of English department of Education UMM is sharing stories with students of elementary Assalam. Photo: Distya.

THROUGH English for Young Learners (EYL) program , Education courses of English, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) intense teaching English at elementary school students (SD) in ways that are creative and entertaining. One of them, in which students of English Education at SD Muhammadiyah 3 Assalaam, Tuesday (8/11).

Housed in a semi-open area which is in gazebo UMM library, there are 13 students in grade 1 who follow English language learning theme this part of my body. Assalaam elementary school principal, Syai'in Kodir, revealed this activity as one of the school program to establish students' ability in foreign language. Not only that, Syai'in wanted students not only to master a foreign language such as grammar in theory, but also able to apply directly.

"Within a week, we familiarize students to communicate in English and Arabic. Monday to Wednesday for English and Thursday to Saturday for the Arabic language. Working closely with the department of English education is that the students should direct the application in English, incidentally theme is a member of the body, "he said.

Learning together with elementary school children needs creative ways to attract the attention of the students. Therefore, this learning EYL team
packages through some fun activities. Students were divided into three groups. They study with three mentors who are students of English Education taking a course EYL in rotation.

The first activity is a Simon Says. Here, students are invited to sing and do the instruction to hold the body and pronounce in English. Completion of the Simon Says, students are invited to read picture books with another mentor. Mentor asks each student to repeat every vocabulary about body parts in the story.

Furthermore, the activities that suck enthusiastic students are making bread character. Guided mentor, students are invited to draw the shape of the face of white bread with sweetened condensed milk and candy. While decorating the bread, the students were asked to name the body parts on the face. Lastly, there are 3 manila paper held in the gazebo wooden floor. Each representative of each group was asked to lay down on manila paper. Then, the other group members draw a line around the body with color pencil to form the image of the body. Students are then asked to write down any part of the body which had envisaged it.

One of the students of English Education, Intan Dewi, who is also a mentor tells picture stories, EYL
subjects has been working with various primary schools in Malang. Every Sunday, dozens of students from various elementary start from class one to class six EYL following study at UMM.

"There are different programs according to the design of learning we've compiled. So you can learn English in the form of indoor or outdoor. Many parents are enthusiastic about this activity, because children not only spend his time off in front of the gadget, but also productive to learn English, "he explained. (Ich / han)



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