Rector of UMM, Fauzan hands over a souvenir to the Minister of Social Affairs, Khofifah Indar Parawangsa . |
Minister of Social Affairs Republic of Indonesia (Mensos RI), Khofifah Indar Parawangsa came to University of Muhammadiyah Malang to attend the event of 5.151 students who will join Lecturing and Real Working (KKN) at Hall UMM Done on Wednesday (19/7). Her visit was also to celebrate the 30th years of KKN program which has been going on since 1987.
After wearing jackets to two representatives of students symbolically, Khofifah delivered her speech for the students who will go to villages for giving social services for a month.
Khofifah explained about potential village mapping. She asked the students to care more about the environment and dig down those potentials into real action. “The simple thing that is found in village can be something substantive. When you all (the students) “climb a mountain and go down the hill”, it’s like you are doing what KHA Dahlan did as the founder of Muhammadiyah”.
Currently, six districts in East Java indicated malnutrition. Therefore, the Desa Sejahtera Mandiri (Independent and Prosperous Village) program is attempted to be a media to reduce the extent of the area affected by malnutrition. Khofifah said, "A total of 63 percent of the causes of disability are malnutrition. This is not only to be prevented during pregnancy, but lifestyle as a teenager should be considered, "
Furthermore, Khofifah who is also the Chairwoman of Muslimat Nahdatul Ulama said that students should not only have sensitivity about village development through their programs but also have to spread the nationalism and religiousness. “The students who join this KKN program should take action if they find radicalism, and they should spread the values of Pancasila no matter what study program they take”.
Integrated KKN UMM was held twice a year. This multidisciplinary program which combines students from various fields of science becomes the responsibility of UMM as a university to promote the community, especially the village community.
The Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) of UMM as the manager of KKN UMM cooperates with various institutions for the implementation of thematic KKN. Director of DPPM UMM, Prof. Dr. Sujono Mkes said that DPPM KKN UMM cooperates with the Ministry of Social Affairs in establishing inhabitable house program (rutilahu) and joint business group (kube). Furthermore, DPPM also cooperates with the Ministry of Education and Culture in decreasing illiterate, and the cooperation with DIKTI for KKN program of Community Empowerment Learning PPM), and Development of Disadvantaged Areas (PDT).
Moreover, UMM does not only send the students to 186 villages in 18 districts / cities in East Java, but also to Palembang. This makes UMM becomes the campus with the widest range of KKN in East Java. Sujono stated that UMM will continue to make the KKN range wider to develop the village society. This is as a real action of the slogan “From Muhammadiyah to the Nation”. KKN has many potentials and benefits for society development. (lus)