The Final Competition of Basketball Rector Cup UMM is The Most Awaited Competition

Author : Humas | Thursday, March 22, 2018 19:32 WIB

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is popular among teenagers. This sport always attracts the attention of audiences. Every basketball player needs to master skills such as shooting, dribbling, and rebounding.

Today on Thursday (22/3), hundreds of supporters including students and lecturers come to Dome University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to watch the Final Competition of Basketball Rector Cup UMM which the theme is Get Your Own Victory. The Vice of Event Organizer of Basketball Competition Rector Cup UMM 2018, Arief Andrian Nur, conveyed that this competition is aimed to capture talents and interests of the students in basketball. It also selects the students who have great skills in playing basketball to join UMM Basketball Team. Arief who is also a member of Civitas Basketball  of

Muhammadiyah Malang (CIBBM) said, “This event strengthens UMM Basketball team to participate in both national and international competitions”.

The final round goes so spirited. In the fifth minute of the first round, female team of Psychology Faculty leads the competition by getting sore 9, meanwhile Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry only scores 2 point. At the end of the competition, Faculty of Psychology wins by scoring 40-41.

Male team of Law Faculty wins over male team of Faculty of Engineering by scoring 39-41. The supporters of both teams shouted loudly during the competition to support the players. Many UMM alumni come to Dome to watch the competition. Nur Laili Tsani Maulida, an alumnus of Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry said, “I already graduated, but today I come here to watch the final competition of Basketball that is always exiting every year. I don’t wanna miss it”.

The Chief of Ceremony of Rector Cup 2018, Nur Subekhi explained that Rector Cup is an annual event of UMM which is aimed to facilitate the creation and achievement of students especially for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Under the theme “Smart and Elegant Competition to be Great Generation”, this event is as a spirit of UMM to improve students’ talents and interests. Subekhi said, “This event also reflects the sucation process developed by UMM in improving self-quality and mental of students in order to be able to compete honestly”. (lus)



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