The children around the Princi Village on the slopes of Butek Mountain, Gading Kulon Village, Dau District, Malang Regency enthusiastically attended the watching program brought by KaCa Car UMM . |
Returning to the literacy trip on the 4th day of Ramadhan, KaCa Car (KaCa) of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) arrived at Kindergarten Aisiyah Bustanul Athfal 23, Dau, Malang Regency. Together with Students Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UMM, KaCa Car conducted watching activity. Previously, KaCa Car has done some activities incorporated in K-A-N-C-A-N-E, including Ayo Dolanan, Coto (Konco Cerito) Babad, Aku Jurnalis, and EYL (English for Young Learners).
Been festive, the presence of UMM KaCa Car directly became invasion of kindergarten students and children around the school. Chairman of BEM FPSI, Bintang Sasmita Wicaksana, explained that the presence of KaCa Car in the middle of Dusun Princi children, Gading Kulon Village, Dau District, Malang Regency has become a long-awaited thing by the residents.
"When they were told that this car ( Car) are going to this village, the residents and teachers are very happy," said the sixth semester students.
Not only watching, children and residents who attended were also invited to examine the moral message on the movie while waiting for the breaking time. The selection of the animated film series "Pada Jaman Dahulu" became the main attraction on this agenda. When KaCa Car UMM arrived, Ahmad Maulana, elementary school students (SD), admitted very happy to watch the movie with his friends.
"There's never been kind of this activity. So, it's so much fun to see the school and house friends," said this third grader.
This series of agenda of KaCa Car is the result of cooperation with BEM FPsi on community service activity titled Psychology Social Project. Head of Kindergarten Aisiyah Bustanul Athfal, Nuryati, expressed his fun and excitement over the presence of KaCa Car. According to Nuryati, Car KaCa UMM is a fresh breeze for the village located on the slopes of Mount Butak to instill reading interest in children.
"I am very happy because UMM has helped me a lot in helping and building this village through some community service agenda," said alumni of Tarbiyah students of Faculty of Islamic Studies UMM.
Being a part of academic practitioners make UMM continue to devote to the nation. It does not stop at literary literacy, but UMM has examined how literacy, literature, science, digital, culture, and citizenship are dedicated to the millennium generation of Indonesia. (ard)