Had 55 Schemes, UMM Competency Certification Increased the Student Selling Power

Author : Humas | Monday, January 07, 2019 15:06 WIB
Graduation from Muhammadiyah Malang University students. (Photo: PR)

Students of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) who have graduated must do competency certification. Competency certification was the process of giving competency certificates carried out systematically and objectively through competency tests. This certification was a response to face industry 4.0.

Besides being used as a requirement for graduation, this certification was used as evidence that students who have graduated from UMM were competent in the field in which they were involved. "So that UMM graduates are not difficult to find work," explained Dr. Ihyaul Ulum, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., CA. as chairman of the UMM Professional Certification Institute (LSP) when interviewed on Monday (1/7).

The examiners or accessors consisted of UMM lecturers that before given training by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) for 5 days. "So that the accessor has good competence in testing." UMM currently has 93 accessors and 48 will be added to those who are still training," explained Ulum.

UMM provided 55 schemes. Before graduation, students must choose one of them to be tested. The scheme designed by LSP that adjusted to each Department at UMM. "However, there are several schemes that can be followed by students across Department," he continued.

Also, there was a scheme designed outside the Department that can be attended by all UMM students, such as entrepreneurship. In the near future, UMM LSP will add 20 new competency certification schemes. Competency certificates obtained by students will be juxtaposed with their certificate.

After graduating, UMM students had two proofs of the legitimacy of competencies in academic and non-academic fields. The competency certificate obtained was given directly to BNSP through the UMM LSP. With this competency certification, it was expected that UMM students will be better prepared to face industry 4.0. (Win)



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