Muhammadiyah Is Philanthropy Movement Which Has Visionary of Humanity

Author : Humas | Tuesday, October 25, 2016 13:37 WIB
Hajriyanto Y Thohari are delivering material about Muhammadiyah As Philanthropy Movement. Photo: Distya.
EVEN Muhammadiyah official status in the government is a community organization (organizations), but by its citizens it is more known as the movement. On Mars Muhammadiyah song (the Sun), one of its verses are the words "Al-Islam is my religion, Muhammadiyah is my movements".
Naming Muhammadiyah as an organization or foundation, according to the Chairman of the Central Executive Muhammadiyah, Hajriyanto Y Thohari, was just for the sake of institutional formality. "Basic of Muhammadiyah is movement, because Muhammadiyah is to move on progress," said Hajriyanto in front of 500 participants Konsolidasi Organisasi Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah (PWM) and Pimpinan Daerah (PDM) in East Java, at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Sunday (23 / 10).
Since its inception, continued Hajriyanto, especially in decades periods of formation, Muhammadiyah more displayed as a charitable movement (a philanthropical movement), even charitable movement par excellence.
"Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan, the founder, and his students are individuals who are not so interested in the polemics of religious or theological, but the tendency was very strong on humanitarian work, generosity to others, so love one another, and love in the works of charity or philanthropic. They are known as people who are open-hearted, generous and helpful to people. Religion is more concerned with the charity of the theological speculations, "said Vice Chairman of Majelis Permuswaratan Rakyat Republik Indoneisa (MPR RI) 2009-2014ini.
Later, Hajriyanto assessed due to the changing strategic environment in many areas of life, what is called Amal Muhammadiyah (AM) then developed as Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah (AUM). All activities or AUM form, which contained elements that become a new trend in the development of Muhammadiyah in recent decades is a true extension or addition and improvisation.
"That's not authentic Muhammadiyah. Thus, it is not original. If the founder of favorites excellent schools and hospitals are not authentic Muhammadiyah, let alone the political activities for power! Because, in its true authentic Muhammadiyah movement is ethical and philanthropic. It is not AUM which deliberated on movement to obtain net income (SHU), "he cried.
Naturally, Hajriyanto affirmed, not authentic did not mean that prohibited or not allowed. Muhammadiyah may dive in the form of development of AUM, or though all business, which pursued profit is considering the development and dynamics of life which in fact has evolved such that the struggle to realize the vision and mission of Muhammadiyah required economic resources and mighty.
In closing, Hajriyanto noticed, voluntary spirit, love and generosity towards others was the identity of the Muhammadiyah movement which was the most authentic and original. "The spirit and character of this or perhaps was not very suitable to be brought into the political field Indonesia which increasingly pragmatic, oligarchic and plutocratic today. It was Proven that Muhammadiyah and Muhammadiyah people who tended puritanistik was often oversized and madek mangu in this rough field.
Moreover, the spirit of volunteerism and filantropisme Muhammadiyah would be difficult to get in business which were increasingly inclined capitalistic. So, it would be more glorious for Muhammadiyah to remain steadfast, steadfast and loyal to its work of humanity, sincere that may be desolate, the work which was far from wealth and fame imaging glamorous world laden with applause admiration frenetic, " he said.
Meanwhile, East Java PWM annual event was attended by 5 Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah (PDM). PDM namely Kota Batu, Malang PDM, PDM Malang, Blitar City DPM, as well as PDM Blitar, also attended a number of autonomous organization Muhammadiyah from each PDM. (Can / han)


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