A team from the Islamic Studies Faculty while preparing the observation equipment. (Chandra / PR) |
SEEING a lunar eclipse through astrophotography with Malang resident became a tradition of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). It was said by Prosperity Agency Head of Masjid AR Fachruddin UMM Syamsurizal Yazid and it was expected to be an education for resident. "The process of observing the moon via Astrofotography is always held by UMM on other eclipses moment," Syamsurizal said.
Including, the partial lunar eclipse that seen above the sky of Malang on early Tuesday (8/8) morning. Malang resident, especially around UMM have had an opportunity to look on the natural phenomenon at AR Fachruddin Mosque UMM after holding a lunar eclipse prayer or shalat khusuf, which started at around 00.30 am.
Ahwal Syakhsiyah Department Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI) UMM head Idaul Hasanah Explained, the astrophotography was a special type of photography that used to record images of astronomical objects and areas of the night sky. In the context of eclipses, the astrophotography was used as a special technology for space research.
Regarding to this partial lunar eclipse, Idaul said, it happened due to the dynamic movement positions of the sun, the earth and the moon. "The lunar eclipse events will occur in the full-moon phase and can be predicted," she explained.
The phase of this partial lunar eclipse lasted within an hour 56.6 minutes. While the first contact happen at 00:22:55 am and the end of contact at 02:18:10 am. "In addition to Indonesia, this eclipse can also be seen in the Pacific Ocean as well as in the eastern Asia and Australia during the moon sets."
Based on the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency's (BMKG) site, it was predicted that there will be four eclipses in 2017, among others, the first the Penumbral lunar Eclipse (GBP) on February 11, 2017 that will be seen from Western Indonesia, the Annular Solar Eclipse (GMC) on February 26, 2017 that will not be seen from Indonesia, the partial lunar eclipse (GBS) on August 7-8, 2017 night, and the Total Solar Eclipse (GMT) on August 21, 2017 that will not be visible from Indonesia. (Naz)