An outing class activity at UMM Integrated Laboratory. |
Alternative energy of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) became an attraction for many parties, including for elementary school (SD) students to develop integrated thematic learning in 2013 curriculum. It was also the reason why student of SD Muhammadiyah 9 Malang visited UMM on Wednesday, september 13.
Some areas which visited by the students namely Micro Hydro Electric Power (PLTMH), Center for Science and Technology Development (Puspa-IPTEK), Integrated Laboratory of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Faculty and Solar Panels. This activity was packaged in outing class based on alternative energy education.
According to SD Muhammadiyah 9 teacher Novita Dwi Lestari, the visit was aimed to give the students an experience about the wealth of energy sources around them. "UMM has many places to educate the utilization of alternative energy, that's why we visit this campus," he said.
Every place that visited, the students got an explanation of the functions, benefits, and ways of alternative energy. The enthusiasm of students were visible from many questions that asked in each alternative energy unit of UMM.
Meanwhile, UMM Integrated Laboratory Head Rahmad Pulung Sudibyo said such a program would continue to be held, as part of UMM dedication to public. Within Integrated Laboratory, students were invited to try to ignite fire with biogas fuel as one of alternative energy that owned by UMM. (Naz)