UMM Rector Fauzan congratulates to all new vice deans. |
AFTER inaugurating deans of ten faculties at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Rector Fauzan again inaugurated vice deans I, II and III for the 2017- 2021 period on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at UMM Auditorium.
Fauzan admitted very grateful due to the majority of the vice deans having doctoral degrees. It was expected to improve quality of work and to create reforms at faculty level.
"Mr and Mrs are expected to create a strategic innovation to improve the quality of each faculty," said Rector during inauguration ceremony.
Meanwhile, UMM Daily Advisory Chief (BPH) Prof. Dr. Malik Fajdar asserted that UMM development process was outstanding because the campus could proceed quickly. It was hoped that the appointed deans could work smarter for UMM development.
"To carry out this mandate as new deans, the most important thing is the improvement of quality teaching of lecturers, because UMM is not seen merely as a private university at local level, but also viewed nationally and internationally," said this member of the Presidential Advisory Board.
Malik Added we all as academic people were required to continue to make an innovation as part of higher education reformation.
The inaugurated vice deans were Teacher Training and Education Faculty (FKIP) Vice Dean I Dr Sudiran MHum, Vice Dean II Drs Marhan Taufik MSi, and Vice Dean III Dr Rahmad Widodo MSi. Social and Political Sciences Faculty (FISIP) Vice Dean I Dyah Estu Kurniawati SSos MSi, Vice Dean II Dr. Tutik Sulistyowati MSi and Vice Dean III Zen Amirudin SSos MMedKom. Animal Husbandry Faculty (FPP) Vice Dean I Dr Ir Aris Winaya MM MSi, Vice Dean II Dr Ir Warkoyo MP and Vice Dean III Ir Henik Sukarini MP PhD. Islamic Studies Faculty (FAI) Vice Dean I Drs Agus Purwadi MSi, Vice Dean II Drs Muhammad Sarif MAg and Vice Dean III Drs M Nurul Humaidi MAg.
Furthermore, Engineering Faculty (FT) Vice Dean I Dr. Ir Samin MT, Vice Dean II Dr. Lailis Syafa'ah MT, and Vice Dean III Dr. Nur Subekti ST MT. Economics and Business Faculty (FEB) Vice Dean I Dr. Widayat MM, Vice Dean II Dr. Dra Eny Suprapti MM, and Vice Dean III Zainal Arifin SE MSi. Law Faculty (FH) Vice Dean I Catur Wido Haruni SH MSi MHum, Vice Dean II Dr. Haris SH MHum, Vice Dean III Said Noor Prasetyo SH MH.
Meanwhile, Psychology Faculty (FPsi) Vice Dean I Ni'matuzahroh SPsi MSi, Vice Dean II Dr. Rr Siti Suminarti Fasikha MSi, and Vice Dean III Zainul Anwar SPsi MPsi. Medicine Faculty (FK) Vice Dean I dr Mochammad Ma'roef SPOG, Vice Dean II Dr. Sri Adila Nurainiwati SPKK, and Vice Dean III Dr. Indra Setiawan SPTHT. Health Sciences Faculty (FIKES) Vice Dean I Siti Rofida SSi Apt MFarm, Vice Dean II Ahmad Shobrun Jamil SSi MP, and Vice Dean III Sunardi SKep Ns MKep. (Naz)