One of learning activities taught posgraduates UMM in cooperation with Oslo Coalition Norway and Brigham Young University America. |
Postgraduate Program (PPs) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) continues to grow. Currently, PPs already has 11 master programs and three doctoral programs. In addition to increasing quantity, academic quality aspects are also concerned, mainly through the expansion of networking and international benchmarking.
Magister Program of PPs UMM consisted of Master of Islamic Education, Magister of Sociology, Master of Management, Master of Education Policy and Development, Master of Mathematics Education, Master of English Language Education and Literature, Master of English Education, Master of Agribusiness, Master of Law, Magister of Psychology of Science; Master of Professional Psychology.
While doctoral program consisted of Doctorate of Social Sciences and Political Sciences, Doctorate of Islamic Education, and Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. The courses were taken by master students between 42-48 SKS with study period of 4-8 semesters, while Doctoral Program 46-52 SKS with study period of 6-10 semesters.
For the second phase, new recruitment PPs student was opened from July 22 to August 5, 2017, "Unless Master of Psychology of Science and Master of Professional Psychology that has been closed in this phase because it has fulfilled the quota in the first phase," said UMM Vice Director III, Dr Wahyudi.
Related terms of registration, continued Wahyudi, could be seen on online page of PMB UMM. Especially for international students, PPs UMM required candidates to obtain permission from Directorate General of Science and Technology and Directorate of Higher Education and to arrange visas or residence cards in Indonesia which could be done with the assistance of the Foreign Affairs Bureau of UMM.
For the development of academic quality, benchmarking with various campuses abroad was done continuely by PPs UMM. "Currently, every study program at Postgraduate UMM has a campus overseas benchmarking partner which is the standard for measuring academic quality," explained Wahyudi. (ard)