Rank 6 of Indonesia's Best PTS, UNPAM Learned University Management to UMM

Author : Humas | Thursday, January 24, 2019 18:42 WIB
UMM Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc. (right) received a souvenir from Unpam Vice Rector II, Dr. Subarto, M.Pd. (left). (Photo: Mirza / PR)

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) received a visit from the University of Pamulang (Unpam) Banten, Thursday (1/24). Received directly by UMM Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc., Unpam brought ten functional ranks of the university. Among them were the Vice Rector II, Dr. Subarto, M.Pd.

During their visit to the White Campus, Unpam wanted to learn a lot at UMM regarding the management of College. Considering some time ago, UMM succeeded in occupying the best ranking of Private Universities in Indonesia. UMM was in the 6th position of the best PTS version of Kemenristekdikti in 2018.

"We want to learn about UMM's efforts in raising universities because we think UMM is currently one of the pilot private universities in Indonesia," said Subarto. At present, he continued, Unpam already had 160 hectares of land ready to be built for student academic activities.

Besides that, Unpam also wanted to learn about the consistency of UMM in the field of community service. "We think the size of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang is also due to the high level of college service to the community," said Subarto. The amount of UMM, said Syamsul, was nothing but the loyalty of all existing elements.

"This seriousness had been instilled by Pak Abdul Malik Fadjar for a long time," explained Syamsul. One of the real manifestations of UMM in the realm of university development was through various business units that had been built. Some of them were Sengkaling Tourism Place, UMM Inn Hotel and UMM Gas Station.

In addition, the relationship between universities and various agencies also needed to develop well. "One of the results of our relationship is the agreement for the fresh graduates of the Faculty of Health Sciences. After graduating from UMM, we will send them to Japan to become health workers there, "said Syamsul. (Win)



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