The Struggle of Two UMM Students to Win IISMA Scholarships Ministry of Education and Culture Research Technology Republic of Indonesia

Author : Humas | Wednesday, January 05, 2022 08:46 WIB
Afiyah is chatting with her international friends in Italy
 (Photo: Special)

While enjoying the morning air from the blue continent, two awardees of the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) program by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture accompanied UMMFolks last Friday (31/12). Both share stories about the program they are currently undergoing. Widad Saniyya and Afiya Dianar Najla, two of eleven students from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang who successfully passed the student exchange program.

These two students never imagined receiving their seventh semester of education at a foreign campus in partnership with the Indonesian government. Afiya admitted that he never thought he would pass IISMA because of the short registration time and the many files that had to be prepared.

"I never thought I would pass because at that time, and the registration process was concise. Plus, I don't have a language certificate yet, so that's what makes me the most confused," explained this Psychology student.

In line with Afiya, Widad also said that he did not expect to become an awardee of this program. Even this Law student never thought about enrolling in the IISMA program. "Just like Afiya, I never thought that I would qualify because I just came back from Italy for the Erasmus program. I want to continue to work on my thesis and graduate and graduate," added the student from South Tangerang.

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In addition to the story about the language certification process, the two students also talked a lot about the struggle to write essays to apply for this student exchange program. According to them, writing essays is not an easy matter because writers must identify themselves and know the real purpose of why they join the program.

"It took me a week to convince myself of motivation. Do you just want to do it, or do you want to learn? Fortunately, the essays on this program only answer questions. So it's not so confusing to find topics," Afiya said on an Instagram live broadcast. 


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Widad when taking pictures in Italy
 (Photo: Special)

The IISMA program also allows students to choose their campus. Students can adjust their needs and can measure their abilities and readiness. "At IISMA, we are allowed to choose our campus so that we can be more comfortable adjusting based on our needs," said Widad.

Not only that, but Afiya also encouraged other students to start learning foreign languages immediately. Primarily English, which has become necessary, not only when registering but also when studying abroad. They also want all students to be confident and believe in themselves. No matter how complex the requirements for the scholarship program are, there must be a way as long as you keep on going and don't give up.

"When you start to doubt yourself, that's the biggest obstacle you face. Don't feel doubt because it's better to fail because you've tried than to fail without trying at all," said Widad, to which Afiya agreed. (cdr/*/wil)



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