Strengthening Poultry Professional Class, FPP UMM Establishes Cooperation with Industry Players

Author : Humas | Wednesday, September 08, 2021 10:07 WIB
Fauzan (batik) with three partners from the industry after signing the cooperation. (Photo: Istimewah)
As a form of commitment to carry out the Merdeka Learning program on the Independent Campus (MBKM), the Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (FPP) Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has expanded its collaboration with the industrial world. What took this step to strengthen the professional class of poultry that has been held.

After cooperating with PT. Charoen Pokphand, last February, FPP re-engaged the industry through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on Saturday (4/9) at the Grand Surya Hotel Kediri. As for several related companies, namely PT. Sanbe Farma, PT. Mensana, and PT. Sapta Karya Megah. All three are willing to support implementing the Poultry Professional Class both as teachers and as providers of internships for students.

On that occasion, Dr. Fauzan M.Pd., as the Chancellor of UMM, was also present to accompany the signing process. Fauzan said that this collaboration is crucial in implementing the slogan of UMM Pasti. That is to encourage students to pass for four years and get a job in a relatively short time. "Besides being a commitment to implementing MBKM, this agenda is also carried out as a strategic step for students," Fauzan continued.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ir. David Hermawan, MP. HDI., as the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, explained that the three companies were also involved in student practicum workshops. It aims to reconstruct materials that are tailored to the needs desired by the industry. "Hopefully, the output obtained from the practicum will later be a provision for students before taking the professional poultry class," he said.

The three industries also appreciate the cooperation. They hope that this step can produce graduates of the professional class of poultry who are ready to work. It is better to increase the internship program than to add skills training that the world of work cannot absorb. By recruiting graduates of this professional class, you will reduce the time and costs usually allocated to new employees.

Lastly, Prof. Dr. Ir. Wahyu Widodo, MS., appointed as the guarantor, said that further implementation after this activity was to realize research collaboration between lecturers and industry. Mainly to solve problems that are often faced. In addition, there is also the development of a better information system for the three related industries. "Not only these three companies, but we also have nine other partners who are ready to work together to collaborate," he concluded.(apg/wil)


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