Strengthening Interfaith Tolerance, the Car of KaCa UMM Visits the Bunda Teresia Foundation of Batu

Author : Humas | Friday, December 21, 2018 09:43 WIB
some trainer guides the children look for books proper book to them. (Picture: PR UMM)

Many various issues that touch on interfaith issues were of particular concern to the Car of Kamis Mebaca Team (KaCa) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). This time, the KaCa car is visiting and sharing program at the Bunda Teresia Foundation, Kota Batu, East Java, Thursday (20/12).

“For us, this visit is very special. Usually, The Car of KaCa only visits some places which are the Muslim community. This moment, the Car of KaCa team decides to visit wider coverage area. It is because literacy belongs to all circles.” As stated by Maharina Novia Zahro team.

However, Maharinacontinued her statement that recent conflict is caused by the lack of interaction among the different community. The car of KaCa UMM as mention by Maharina becomes educational facilities and proper to harvest tolerance values. It is right to start from now.

By carrying the literation concept, the children there feel amused and happy. Not only reading books, but they were also taught about colour degradation. They were also having fun together by the outbound program.

“We never doubt to meet new young readers. Although they dislike reading a book, when we came there, they are very excited welcoming us. So, we come to help them to find a book that they like.” Maharina Said.

Gabriel, one of the children there who is eight years old saying that he likes Shaggy ball. With his friends, he fights each other for the ball in one of the outbound sessions. “I’m happy to play a ball, but I am tired to fight with my friend,” he said innocently.

Lutfi Nurul Rosyidah as trainer chose this game because it is effective to create their concentration and dexterity. “Every shaggy word, the participant have to watchful because they have to look for where the ball that I throw and catch it.” explained the Biology Education Study Program student.

Furthermore, Tintrim Rahayu, The management of the Foundation, which is inhabited by orphans, disabled and neglected, claimed to be happy with the arrival of the KaCa Car. “The activity is very useful. I am very glad to see them love to read and like with all program that The KaCa Car conduct.” She said. (Win)



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