Percentage of PPG UMM Is The Most Graduated Program in Indonesia

Author : Humas | Thursday, February 08, 2018 14:16 WIB
The commitment of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to have professional teachers is continually running. This time, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UMM is cooperated with Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) held an Academic Orientation of Professional Teacher Education Program (PPG) in BAU Hall of UMM, Thursday (8-9 / 2).
The event opened by UMM Rector, Fauzan, and Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Poncojari Wahyono, was wisdom. To 107 participants who are graduates of PPG subsidized program and alumni of Educational Scholarship in Outlying, Least and Disadvantaged Areas (SM3T), Fauzan advised that as teachers they can recognize their own personal potential.
''Now, you are entering a new phase. You must begin to identify yourself as future teachers," Fauzan said.
In this opening, Fauzan also invited one of the SM3T participants to share teaching experiences in remote areas. Hendra, one of SM3T alumni who served in Gorontalo, mentioned various problems often appear in the school where he served. For example, when the harvest season arrives, in the elementary school where he taught, there were only a few students present. While, most other students were absent because their parents invited to go to the field.
"Secondly, both teacher civil servants and honorary even headmaster only come two times a week," said Hendra.
Responding to what Hendra said, the Dean of FKIP, Poncojari Wahyono, argued the emergence of various problems greatly affect the level of quality education in the country. The presence of PPG program is expected to create educator candidates who are responsible on their duty and able to eradicate similar problems.
In addition, Ponco also claimed to be proud of PPG UMM. The reason, almost all students PPG UMM able to complete the program well.
"Last year, there was only one who did not pass and a total of 96% passed. This becomes the most pass in Indonesia," said Ponco. (ard)


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