First in Indonesia, UMM Lecturer Creates Natural Medicine for Managing Diabetes

Author : Humas | Friday, December 29, 2023 07:14 WIB
Prof. Dr. Rr Eko Susetyarini, M.Si., as a lecturer in Biology Education at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), together with the team, is exploring the potential of Kembang Bulan leaf (Tithonia diversifolia) extract as an alternative treatment for diabetes (Photo: Lailia Humas)

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is frequently suffered by various segments of society, regardless of age or socioeconomic background. The main cause is often linked to lifestyle changes that impact people's habits and eating patterns. Recognizing this phenomenon, Prof. Dr. Rr Eko Susetyarini, M.Si., a lecturer in Biology Education at the Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM), is exploring the potential of Kembang Bulan (Tithonia diversifolia) leaf extract as an alternative treatment.

She is delving into the potential of local medicinal plants due to the high cost of diabetes treatment and the potential side effects of conventional treatments. This initiative is also supported by a growing trend among the public towards natural remedies and a "back to nature" lifestyle. The demand for herbal plants is skyrocketing in Indonesia and worldwide.

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"Unfortunately, medicinal plants in Indonesia are currently limited to traditional herbal drinks. Sometimes, they are only boiled. Ironically, they have not been fully utilized as Standardized Herbal Medicine (OHT) and phytopharmaceuticals, which are natural medicines with proven safety and efficacy. However, if the potential of these medicinal plants can be successfully developed, their commercial value will soar," explained Roro, the research team leader.

Furthermore, Roro explained that this research aims to prove the effectiveness of Kembang Bulan (Mexican Sunflower) leaf extract in lowering blood glucose levels based on experiments conducted on Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). Currently, Mexican Sunflower is widely used to alleviate various complaints such as stomach aches, bloating, and diarrhea, and as an anti-inflammatory agent. 

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This interesting finding indicates that Mexican Sunflower leaves play a significant role in diabetes treatment. In this study, the administration of Mexican Sunflower leaf extract at a dosage of 5.14 ml/200g body weight showed the most effective impact, with an average decrease in blood glucose levels reaching 136.80 mg/dl. This value did not significantly differ from the negative or normal control group, which had an average of 122.20 mg.

"However, further research is still needed. The next step should involve research encompassing the extract's safety on liver and kidney functions," she stated.

This research also involved Dr. Husamah, S.Pd., M.Pd., a lecturer in Biology Education, and Fithri Wening Sasmita, a Biology Education student. Interestingly, this is the first research in Indonesia to utilize Kembang Bulan for diabetes treatment. Moreover, this research has become a reference for nearly 60 other researchers. Therefore, there is great hope that this finding can be utilized by the wider community once completed.

"For further research, a pharmacoeconomic study is needed. 'Is the herbal drink form effective or economical compared to existing chemical drugs?'. Improvements in methodology are also necessary to produce even better research. Additionally, collaboration with the industry or the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) is essential for better downstream and ensuring that the public can utilize the resulting products," she concluded.  (Lai/Wil/Fajr)



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