PIMNAS 35 UMM Closed , a New Champion Has Born

Author : Humas | Sunday, December 04, 2022 09:48 WIB
The excitement of closing the 35th PIMNAS at UMM. (Photo: Haqi PR UMM)

Laughter and cheers filled the closing of the 35th National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). The appearance of the White Campus marching band added to the splendor of the agenda which was carried out on December 3, 2022. Even with local dances from the archipelago, choirs, songs from the band, to the stand-up comedy action by Mal Jupri which successfully elicited laughter from the participants and guests.

The first offline PIMNAS after this pandemic gave birth to a new overall champion. It is the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) that has succeeded in bringing home a rotating trophy thanks to a series of champions obtained in various categories of the student creativity program (PKM).

Closing PIMNAS at UMM, Dr. Ir. Sri Gunani Partiwi, Director of Learning and Student Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Culture explained that holding PIMNAS is the final stage of PKM. This series of programs is designed to train students to think critically, have sharp analytical skills, and have high creativity and innovation. Of the 37,404 submitted proposals, only 370 were selected to compete here.

"I congratulate the students who are standing here. You are one percent of the selected part of the many proposals submitted. In the future, the ministry will continue to be committed to running this program. God willing, we will improve the accessibility and quality of this program again," he said .

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Furthermore, Sri, her nickname said, holding PIMNAS also aims to answer the challenges of the upcoming demographic bonus. When the demographic bonus occurs, the number of productive ages is very high. If human resources (HR) are not managed properly, Indonesia will not be achieved in 25 years.

"However, on this occasion, I felt a very extraordinary aura. The students have shown their achievements and enthusiasm. This makes us optimistic that in the next 25 years we will realize the golden Indonesia that we aspire to. I also hope that both those who win and those who do not get a champion can continue and develop their products. Hopefully what you have designed will make a good contribution to the nation and the country," said Sri.

Read also: Turning Orchids into Food: A Team of UMM Earns the Medals of the 35th PIMNAS Event

On the other hand, the Rector of UMM, Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. considers that PIMNAS is not just a routine, because 2022 will be a strategic point for students who are prepared to answer Indonesia gold 2045. According to him, Indonesia's problem in facing demographic bonuses and golden Indonesia is in the aspect of human resources (HR). So, the PIMNAS event became one of the communities that attended an effort to create good human resources.

“Currently you are a student and are studying, but tomorrow you will become the nation's leaders. This is where most leaders are born. It's not just about having competence, but also building the character that the nation needs. I entrust you to prepare yourself for the start of the demographic bonus in 2030," he concluded. (cdr/haq/syi/wil)



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