Gathering and meeting coordination of Indonesian Private University Association (APTISI) Quarter IV District VII East Java held in Senate Courtroom, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on Monday (31/8) becomes a venue for rectors of numerous private universities (PTS) to share problems and ideas related to each university.
This event was attended by all rectors of private universities in Malang and Pasuruan. “There are 62 private universities we invite, yet not all of which are coming,” said Drs. Joko Widodo, M.Si as chief committee.
For him, UMM as well as other private universities would surely gain many benefits through this event. “This event is intentionally dedicated to share ideas such as problems in each university. We solve it together and propose the results toward APTISI,” informed him, Vice Chief of APTISI Quarter IV.
To make those ideas delivered, this event invited four APTISI officers: Chief of APTISI Quarter IV East Java, dr. Muljo Hadi Sungkono, Sp.OG, Chief of APTISI District VII East Java, Prof. Dr. Suko Wiyono, S.H, M.H, Coordinator of Kopertis Disctrict VII East Java, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprapto, DEA, and Secretary of Kopertis VII East Java, Prof. Ali Ma’sum.
One of main concerns in this event is in terms of student’s affairs, especially admission procedures. Suko Wiyono accessed there should not be any bullying in admission procedures. Besides, other three concerns discussed in the event are narcotics, sexual abuse, and radical organization.
“East Java is a district with highest rate of narcotic cases; and Malang is on the top priority in East Java. Indeed, Malang downtown is the most concern one. So, let’s guide our children. Bearing in mind that university is the warzone of narcotic mafia,” said Suko Wiyono.
Meanwhile, in his speech representing Kopertis VII East Java, Prof. Ali Ma’sum insisted three aspects becoming major concern: institutional, academic, and student’s affairs. Adding, the pedagogy is indeed the most precious sector for nation development. It is all based on higher education policies and the decrease of quality indicator in nation development. “Here, university owns huge responsibility,” he told.
In terms of institutional affairs, the core point discussed is the importance of harmony communication between bureaucracy and institute, and how rector owns full control upon all departments. In terms of academics, he stated that teaching learning process should be always updated. “Especially in terms of interaction among lecturers, students, and learning sources,” said him.
For him, a good lecturer is not a lecturer who merely exists in campus and goes home directly after giving a lecture. Instead, it should be a lecturer who pleasantly stays in campus to read books and evaluate journals and create a brilliant idea to conduct a research. “Through those ways, the academic atmosphere will be established for granted,” ended him. (ich/han/t_stu)