Pos Indonesia: Indonesia Needs More Logistics Experts

Author : Humas | Tuesday, January 08, 2019 10:44 WIB
Head of Logistics Department PT. Pos Indonesia Dr. Ir. Suntoro (right). (Photo: Chandra / PR)
 The Head of Logistics Department PT. Pos Indonesia Dr. Ir. Suntoro said, there was a big gap in the supply and demand of human resources (HR) logistics experts. He said the need for logistics experts every year in Indonesia was around 17 thousand people, assuming 1 company, 2 logistical experts.
This was conveyed by him in the Prospect Workshop and Education Model of Vocational Management and Property Business Vocational Programs, at the Gedung Kuliah Bersama (GKB) IV of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Tuesday (1/8). Attended by another panellist, head of Housing Finance Center, PT. BTN (Persero), Tbk Arfita Masniarti.
While so far, said Suntoro, the supply of human resources in the logistics sector from formal institutions was only supported by a few higher education institutions. That was Poltek Pos Bandung, ST Logisitik Bandung, Harapan Bangsa Technology Institute, ST Transportation Jakarta, Mercubuana University Jakarta, and APP Polytechnic.
Suntoro appreciated the plan to establish a Logistics Management and Property Business Vocational program through the Vocational Education Center (PPV). According to him, the establishment of this program, UMM has helped Indonesia supply logistics experts. "I am ready to help in the preparation of this vocational program curriculum," he said.
All economic activities in Indonesia were logistics activities. Because Indonesia was the logistics sector, continued Suntoro, logistics sector became one of the references in the Indonesian economy. Where the movement of goods and consumption was monitored through logistics. "Both in rural, urban and in a country," said Suntoro.
Logistics was the art and science of regulating and controlling the flow of goods, energy, information and other resources, such as; products, services and humans, from production sources to markets with the aim of optimizing capital use. "Manufacturing and marketing will be difficult to do without logistical support," he concluded.
While UMM Vice Rector 1 Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc. on the same occasion said, liked or disliked higher education must respond creatively to the industrial era 4.0 through various programs. So that the alumni can guarantee the graduation waiting period until they were accepted for work not too long.
To begin this PPV, UMM will open 5 schools of expertise. That was Design and Media, ICT and Electronics, Business and Management, Health and Hospitality, and Agribusiness. The five skill schools will be built a building as wide as 12.5 hectares in the Karangploso area, Malang Regency. (Win) 


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