There 77 students of Teacher Professional Program (PPG) and students of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) are ready to join Basic Advanced Course (KMD) and Advanced Scout Course (KML) scouts in Sumber Waras, Lawang, Malang Regency, Tuesday to Saturday (4-8/7).
Before going to campground, alumni of Undergraduate Educate program in Outer, Front, and Underdeveloped Areas (SM-3T) was first to attend opening at Faculty of Economics and Business conference room. The chief executor of the activity, Oki Dika Gura, stated that KMD and KML was work program of PPG UMM collaborated with Kwartir Branch (Kwarcab) Pramuka Malang Regency.
Since 2013, scout activities have been included in learning curriculum at all levels of education. Therefore, said Oki, it would be better if each teacher could build a scout. "In the KMD will get the material, both indoors and field. As a prospective educator, it would be better if you have a KMD certificate and can build a scout, because the scouts are already in the curriculum," she said.
Meanwhile, the dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UMM, Dr Poncojari Wahyono,Mkes, said PPG at UMM has been running for two years. A mandate of Kemenristek Dikti was not careless. The reason was, not all campuses can hold PPG. In East Java, UMM become the only PPG organizational of private campus.
To organize PPG, UMM must follow selection based on AIPT accreditation and faculty, FKIP activities, and lecturer's performance and competence. In addition, UMM also had a mandate to organize PLPG since 8 years ago. "Many FKIP in other campuses do not have the opportunity to organize this program. Evaluation of the implementation of this program is also done every year by Kemenristek DIkti. Thus, UMM should develop the quality, so both programs will continue to be held in FKIP UMM," he concluded. (ard)