Biology Study Program Strengthens the Learning of the Independent Campus Scheme

Author : Humas | Saturday, February 20, 2021 11:22 WIB
UMM third campus (Illustration: Humas UMM)

The Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM), which was launch by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud RI) some time ago, received a quick response from all parties concerned. One of them is the Biology Education Study Program, Teaching and Education Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FKIP-UMM). Through the student exchange scheme in the 2021 NUNI MBKM Program, six Biology Education Study Program students will take cross-campus lectures.

"The 2021 NUNI MBKM program is held in collaboration between UMM and several leading universities in Indonesia that are members of the Nationwide University Network in Indonesia or NUNI. Alhamdulillah, six Biology students passed the selection and were ready to take part in the learning, "said Dr. Iin Hindun, Chair of the Biology Education Study Program.

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Furthermore, Hindun also emphasized that the six students who successfully passed this program were accepted into different classes at each university. All students will carry out this NUNI MBKM activity for one full semester.

"The students who have passed will attend lectures according to the schedule at each university. The total duration is one full semester, ”she said.

Before being declared qualified, they must go through a rigorous selection process. The reason is they have to compete with students from various campuses to fight for 5 to 10 student quotas for each course in one university. Egar Aldiyaksa Akbar admitted that the selection process for this program required participants to write an essay on motivation and learning plans if they were accepted into the 2021 NUNI MBKM program.

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Apart from general administrative requirements, we are required to write an essay on motivation and future study plans, ”said the student who was accepted to study at the Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta.

In particular, the UMM Biology Education study program formed a Task Force MBKM Study Program Team which was tasked with disseminating information to the entire academic community. Furthermore, Hindun hopes that the MBKM program can truly equip students to face global competition.

"With the MBKM program, students can absorb unlimited knowledge which will make students ready to face the global competition in the world of work," she concluded. (apg / nis)



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