Sharing knowldege between Biology department UMM and Uhamka |
As Muhammadiyah Universities, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) always welcomes other universities who want to do comparative study at UMM. Today (05/02), University of Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.Hamka Jakarta (Uhamka) visits UMM to discuss about curriculum, accreditation, teaching and learning processes, and management of Biology department.
The secretary of Biology Department UMM, Dr.Roro Eko Susetyarini, M.Si conveyed that Biology achievement attracts Uhamka to visit UMM. Besides, Biology Department UMM accredited A for two times. She said, “Uhamka wants to learn from this achievement”.
Furthermore, Roro mentioned that Biology Department is preparing to achieve international of ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). She said, “We are preparing to join AUN-QA accreditation because Biology is one of majors that proposed by KPPA to join the accreditation”.
Meanwhile, Head of Biology department Uhamka, Dr.Susanti Murwitaningsih, M.Pd admitted that it is the right choice to discuss about academic with UMM because there are many things she can learn there. Susanti who is also a Biology lecturer inUhamka said, “I envy UMM about the hard work, they have very good ethic”.
Moreover, Susanti hopes that both universities will establish cooperation in terms of research, journals, and exchange students in order to make Uhamka able to implement the result of this visiting. Susanti is so impressed by UMM and describes it into three words, “good, cool, and great”. (lus)