Forestry Study Program of UMM, the only PTS Who Received Mandate of PSPPI Pioneer
Author : Humas | Wednesday, January 24, 2018 10:11 WIB
Inauguration of Professional Engineers of three UMM Forestry academics. |
University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in the field of academic re-achieved award again. Today, Forestry study program (Prodi) UMM became the pioneer of Professional Engineer Education Study Program (PSPPI). Together with 14 other State Universities, UMM is in synergy with Forest Engineering Vocational Authority (BKTHut) as one of 19 vocational agencies under the Indonesian Engineers Union (PII).
Located in Auditorium Room Dr. Soedjarwo Manggala Wanabakti Building Ministry of Environment and Forestry Jakarta, Monday (23/1) three lecturers from Forestry Department of UMM has been confirmed as a Professional Engineer of Madya (IPM) and Engineer of Professional Utama (IPU) by Dr. Ir. A. Hermanto Dardak MSc., IPU, Chairman of the Central Board of Indonesian Engineers Association (PII). Presented by UMM Rector, Fauzan and the three lecturers were confirmed together with Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya Bakar MSc., IPU, the Minister of Environment and Forestry RI.
With the inauguration of Professional Engineer, Joko Triwanto, MP., IPU, Dr. Engineer Nugroho Tri Waskito, MP., IPM, and Tatag Muttaqin, S.Hut., MSc., IPM, were ready to guard PSPPI forestry in UMM.
Furthermore, together with other study programs at UMM Technical Faculty, PSPPI UMM will educate prospective Professional Engineers for two semesters. Simultaneously, the Engineers candidate will practice collaboratively across vocational.
"We are optimistic in carrying out the mandate to implement this Forestry PSPPI, in order to provide professional graduates in their fields," said UMM Rector, Fauzan.
In line with that disclosed Fauzan, Joko Triwanto, MP., IPU, who was confirmed to be Professional Engineer of Main states, all the workers must be professional in their respective fields in the future .
"The profession is not only useful for those who work in an institution, but also for those who work independently in a professional manner," said Joko. (ard)