BTQ Program is aimed to make academic community behave according to Islamic and Muhammadiyah values |
Technology and many modernization activities makes teenagers have no interest in reading Quran. According to the Statistic Center in 2015 mentioned that 54 percent of Moslems in Indonesia cannot read Quran.
University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has Baca Tulis Quran / Read and Write the Quran (BTQ). This program is one of UMM‘s ways to guarantee its Moslem alumni can read the Quran.
There are two choices that must be followed by students. For those who can read the Quran, they can take a test for reading and writing the Quran. On the other hand, for those who cannot read the Quran and still do not understand the Tajwid, they can have Quran guidance.
The Head of Markaz Da’wah wa Khidmatul Mujtama’ (MKDM) UMM, Shofron Hidayat, said that ,”For those who are taking Quran guidance, they will have 13 meeting in one semester by learning two modules. There are three steps that will be taken by those who are taking test, which are written test, reading test, and understanding about Tajwid”.
This Quran literacy is one of vision and mission of UMM to make academic community behave according to Islamic values and Muhammadiyah. Furthermore, this program is also to create the professionalism of UMM according to Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.
Shofron said, “UMM has many students. Not all of them have strong basic in understanding religion. In fact, reading Quran is one of obligations of being a Moslem”.
BTQ Program has been implemented since 2009 although the new decree is declared in 2014 by number 293/SK- PMABA-UMM/IX/2014. BTQ. Every student has to pass BTQ test to get a certificate. The certificate can be used to join Community Service (KKN). Moreover, it is one of requirements to take thesis examination.
Ir.Muhtadawati as the Head of Islamic and Muhammadiyah (AIK) program and General Course (MKDU) UMM said, “BTQ is not only finishing the curriculum, but also giving Islamic knowledge to students. “
(UMM Public Relations)