Reflecting Muhammadiyah Role of Nationality

Author : Humas | Monday, December 28, 2015 14:59 WIB
Dr Saad Ibrahim MA (middle) lecturing the Stadium Generale in Muhammadiyah Update and Year-End Reflection held by PSIF UMM, Monday (28/12) in AR Fakhruddin Mosque Hall UMM.

THE DYNAMICS of politics and thinking of Muhammadiyah in recent year became the key topic of the event of Muhammadiyah Update and Year-End Reflection held by the Center of Islamic and Philosophical Study (PSIF) of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on Monday (28/12) in the Hall of AR Fachriddin Mosque. The theme of the event is ‘Muhammadiyah in the Dynamic of Politics and Contemporary Thinking in Indonesia’.

This event presented several speakers such as the Chief of Muhammadiyah Regional Leader (PWM) for East Java Dr. Saad Ibrahim, M.A., Muhammadiyah sociologist Dr. Zuly Qodir, M.Si, a lecturer from State Surabaya University  (UNS) Mohammad Rokib, M.Hum., M.A. and the Chief of PSIF UMM Dr. Pradana Boy, M.A.

Saad Ibrahim said that as a part of Islam, Muhammadiyah should underline that politics not only relying on the aesthetics, but also on ethics and theology. He cited the case of the ex-chief of the House of Representatives (DPR) of Repulic of Indonesia (RI) Setya novanto had the aesthetical element of political game but neglecting ethics and theology.

“How Setya Novanto freed from the Court of  Honored Council (MKD) was because he resigned from the council and later became the fraction chief. This is a well-played game. It is aesthetic, but not appreciating ethics and theology,” he said.

For Saad, that is what will happen if we rely too much on the political parties. “We won’t reach bright future if we only rely on political parties since these parties don’t have any theological dimension as their base,” he said.

That is why, for Saad, Muhammadiyah, which has theological base, should make this nation’s dream comes true with the notion that power can help public misery. Muhammadiyah need to emulate an eminent Muslim intellect, Iqbal, who dreamed Pakistan as independent country. Eventually, his dreams was realized by Ali Jinnah. Pakistan came out as independent country, apart from India.      

Meanwhile, Zuly Qodir assessed that it is time for Muhammadiyah becomes the determiner, not only supporter. “All this time, Muhammadiyah only takes role as the country’s auxiliarry. We have built thousands of school, hospital, and orphanage so far. It is enough for us being auxiliary. It is time for us being the determiner,” he said.

According to him, political prestige of Muhammadiyah is really weak, even far weaker than small parties. What resulted this is the assumption that the main purpose of Muhammadiyah is taking care the charity business. Since politics is not charity business, it is out of Muhammadiyah’s business.      

“In my opinion, politics is also charity business. Entering the political party is as noble as taking care of schools, hospitals, and orphanages. The point is the politics is civilized and not sectarian,” he argued.

All this time, the doctrine ‘high-politics’ of Muhammadiyah is identical to the political activity outside of the track of political parties. “So, there is an assumption that being high-politic means being outside the parties, while being low-politics means being inside the parties. In fact, it is not a matter of being involved or not, but rather being civilized or not,” he explained     


According to Pradana Boy, this event is purposed to assess the recent development of Muhammadiyah. Beside this event, PSIF also holds other events as the movement of intellectual spirit in UMM, such as monthly review of dissertation.(han/t_far).



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