Psychology of UMM Initiates ADM 3 ADT Regional Advance Mentoring |
"3T areas are part of the territory of the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia which until still lacks of access to good education. The limited infrastructure conditions in the 3T area caused education to be more uneven, so the children from 3T areas lacked adequate education," explained the chairman of Psychology Study Program, Siti Maimunah, S.Psi. MM., MA.
Good educational materials are supported by adequate facilities, said Siti, it can improve students’ competence in the academic field, and this competence can lead students to know the interests and talents. Not for the students of ADEM 3T program, the limited educational material which was received in their area makes it difficult for them to understand their potential.
"Therefore, it is needed to help of interest and talent tests for secondary education affirmation program students to explore potential students and help them to succeed in their studies. So, the government's efforts in equalizing education as a form of educating the nation's life can be realized," he explained.
Siti presented, the achievement of this activity is report the condition of each learner about their ability in certain field according to their interests and talents. This report, Siti said, can be the information or data for the intended schools, as a basis for schools or teachers to provide comprehensive education and treatment.
"Specifically, the report of the class X results of the students can be used as a reference in guiding and developing their potential during the study period in accordance with test results and departments taken. Whereas for the students of class XII can be as a basis in making majors in universities," explained Siti.
Faculty of Psychology UMM, continued Siti, has a lot of good cooperation with government agencies and private in doing the same activities. Therefore, the Psychology Faculty of UMM is very competent in conducting activities to identify potential students through the potential assessment of students' intelligence, interests and talents.
"Through these aspects will be obtained a comprehensive picture of the interests of student talent which the government through the Special Education Directorate Special Services can develop the positive potential of students to become students who excel both academic and non-academic," he said. (ard)