BIOLOGY science was not only about solely plants. Biology can be reviewed and linked to other disciplines when it was seen more broadly. The Lecturer of Biology department University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Dr Abdulkadir Rahardjanto MPd pointed out, when discussing the plants its sphere can be expanded because it has connection with mathematics, engineering and other sciences.
"Students, lecturers and even teachers need to know the interconnection between biology and other disciplines," explained Abdulkadir at a multidisciplinary seminar of national biology, which held in cooperation between Center for Environmental Studies and Population (PSLK) of UMM with Biology Education Department of UMM on April 29.
The national seminar was the third seminar for the Biology Department. The consistency of the Biology Department was one way to strengthen the academic sphere. By affirming the academic sphere, then Biology Department indirectly tried to bring literacy in the discipline of science.
With the theme "The 2017 Biology Education, Role and Learning in implementing Literacy Society", the Biology Education department would like to convey that through literacy can open the mind widely. "Literacy teaches that knowledge is not only to think, but knowledge also includes other connected concrete steps," he said.
Dr. Ninik Kristiani, MM as a as Curriculum Development Team (TPK) Directorate of High School Development Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) RI stated in his welcoming speech that the literacy was not only reading. Further, literacy also means writing, listening and even doing. "All of them are part of the literacy activities," he explained to 400 seminar participants from all over Indonesia.
In addition to Dr. Ninik Kristiani, MM, there were also other key speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Nuryani Rustaman, M. Pd as an expert of science literacy from Indonesia University of Education (UPI), Prof. Dr. Agr. Moh. Amin, M. Si and Dr. Poncojari Wahyuni, M. Kes were biology science experts of FKIP UMM and Dr. Yuni Pantiwati, MM. M. Pd as an expert of literacy of FKIP UMM. (Jal/Han/Naz)