UMM Biotech Development Center introduced Biotech to 150 students of Krian Islamic High School of Sidoarjo |
Spreading and familiarization of scientific knowledge in variety of fields is necessary to do in order to introduce it to the wider society. Biotechnology Development Center (Pusbang) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) introduced Biotechnology science to 150 students of Krian Islamic High School of Sidoarjo. (20/12)
Before entering practice, those students were given the material by an expert staff of biotechnology. Dr. Ir. Syarief Husen, MP as the head of Biotech Development center explained that, there would be a direct practice guided by biotech expert staff. According to Syarif, there are many kind of Biotech. In this training, there were 4 materials given to the students, which were mushroom cultivation, plant tissue isolation method, fisheries, and organic farming. “Biotech expert staffs are very competent in those four fields, so the students are directly guided by them”.
The students learnt about the use of microorganism produce a goods or services such as mushroom, organic material, and in vitro culture. “.in vitro culture is a way to produce complete seeds by using a planting medium”. Syarief said.
After giving material, Syarief said that the students were going to laboratory of UMM Biotech Development Center. “In this laboratory, the students will practice, demonstrate, and produce the material given”. For instance, in mushroom cultivation, the students were taught about seedling, variant of mushrooms, making buglog or mushroom planting medium.
UMM Biotech Development Center Laboratory had full set of tools to support the practice of the students. “The laboratory provides materials which support teaching and learning about biotech to high school students”.
The effort to introduce Biotech to the society had been done several times by UMM Biotech Development center and other schools. “Our purpose is to introduce to high school students about biotech in daily life”. Syarief who is also a lecturer of Agro-technology study program explained.
The representative of Krian Islamic High School of Sidoarjo, Hasan Wahyudi said that, by joining this biotech training, it could increase the knowledge and experience of the students about that field. “ The materials and practice given by UMM experts are very useful for the students. They get new knowledge after joining this training”. (Jal / han)