RESPONDING to the rector program to strengthen institutions and Human Resources (SDM), Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes) of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was implemented in the organization of Working Meeting (Meeting) which is then translated into a major theme, "Sinergitas Civitas Akademika Universitas dan Akulturasi Mahasiswa Menjawab Perkembangan Teknologi Kesehatan Secara Global" at UMM Sengkaling Convention Hall, Wednesday (9/2).
Dean FIKES, Yoyo Bekti Prasetyo, M. Kep. Sp. Kom explained that, the theme raised at least contained a number of discussion which was strengthening the curriculum based Curriculum of Higher Education (KPT).
"It is expected within 2 days of the execution will give study curriculum based on the KPT in each program. So there's a learning achievement, and there are courses that support the achievement of learning it, "he explained.
In addition, Yoyo continued, cooperation expansion of Fikes, especially abroad became an attention to the annual working meeting. "We want each of these courses can design the expansion of foreign cooperation. During the 2017's which one that might be possible to do. It's been some lecturers from Fikes who already abroad such as in Taiwan, Thailand, and also ones who just come back from Poland, "he said.
One of the realization of these formulations would be convening Health Sciense International Conference on 4 October 2017. The conference had leverage because the proceedings would be made was indexed international from Thomson Reuters and the Directory Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Moreover, Fikes also collaborated with publishing Antlantis Publisher.
"The speakers that will be presented on the relation lecturers who have studied abroad," said Yoyo.
Lastly, the Working Meeting was also to improve student actualization in the Student Creativity Program (PKM). "Several years ago, there were Fikes students who entered PIMNAS, we want to improve it also. In the future, if necessary there would be published Dean's decree related to the obligatory to FIKES students for making PKM, "he explained.
UMM Rector, Fauzan in his speech advised, although as the youngest faculty, Fikes did not have a clear direction of motion. On the contrary, it should be able to initiate the management to make simple and productive. Fauzan also stressed for Fikes lecturers to promptly complete the study. Besides, encouraging Fikes lecturers to have to have a functional position.
This program also released the proceedings of 28 Fikes researches entitled"Kontribusi Penelitian dalam Upaya Peningkatan Masyarakat". (Can / han)