Embrace Alumni, IMM Psychology Answer Challenges of Work Now
Author : Humas | Saturday, December 23, 2017 14:42 WIB
UMM Rector Fauzan gave a speech at National Seminar on Psychology and IMM Psychology Alumni Gathering |
Facing the challenges of work in this millenial era, alumni and cadres of Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) Commissioner of Psychology prepares its alumni to become a professional workforce. Furthermore, this discussion was packed through a national discussion held simultaneously with IMM alumni meeting of Komisariat Psikologi.
The event entitled Psychology Answering the Challenge of Work Now, was a series of activities aimed to Bachelor Psychology to look for job before graduated. Psychology Students of UMM must have a job even before finishing their study.
In line with that, UMM Rector, Fauzan, confirmed that this activity could be one form of IMM Psychology support to encourage student development programs designed by university.
"UMM prepares programs for students who have not graduated. They have to work and IMM today has helped to achieve success there," said Rector of UMM in BAU Hall UMM, Saturday (23/12). (ard)
Meanwhile, the Dean of Faculty of Psychology Salis Yuliardi said that this activity is the perfect initiation step to equip Psychology students, especially IMM alumni in forming professional workforce profile.
"Without the need to explain again this activity is a good start to prepare professionals, especially for Psychology UMM," said Salis.