RBC UMM Introduces Processed Coffee and Elephant Toothpaste Experiment

Author : Humas | Saturday, February 12, 2022 02:20 WIB
Students who are engrossed in reading books from the Thursday Reading Car (KaCa). (Photo: Istimewa)
The Smart Reading House (RBC) Institute Abdul Malik Fadjar has returned to provide new insights for the community. Most recently, they visited the Muhammadiyah 06 DAU Junior High School (SMPM 06 DAU) by driving the Thursday Reading Car (KaCa) Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). The activity, held in early February, was targeted at students.
In addition to presenting books through the mobile library in KaCa's car, the RBC team also introduced various types of processed coffee. In addition, he also conducted an elephant toothpaste experiment. The three treats can increase the enthusiasm and curiosity of the students who follow them.
According to the RBC team Muhammad Farros Imaroh, Indonesia does have various types of coffee. This is considered very interesting, especially with the many mushrooming coffee shops in Malang Raya. The students are also invited to make coffee directly with specific techniques. Then taste the coffee they made together.
"By understanding the types of coffee, students will be able to carry out advanced activities such as entrepreneurship or also research related to the coffee itself. Who knows later there will be seeds of successful coffee businessmen," he added.
Unlike Faros, Dwi Putri Ayu Wardani introduced the elephant toothpaste experiment. The name elephant toothpaste is taken from the reaction that resembles toothpaste, likewise, the jumbo-sized packaging.
"The foam produced is unique because the small foam bubbles contain oxygen. The dry yeast material acts as a catalyst to break the oxygen chain from hydrogen peroxide. The quick reaction that occurred resulted in many bubbles," Ayu explained.
Ayu, her nickname, said that the students looked enthusiastic in welcoming the UMM KaCa car. They follow a series of agendas by implementing strict health protocols to reduce the transmission rate of Covid-19. The activity is carried out twice a month by visiting various schools in Malang and outside the region. Besides providing mobile library services, the RBC team also held engaging activities to increase people's curiosity and interest in reading.
Meanwhile, RBC Team Leader Maharina Novia Zahro said that this activity is also expected to introduce RBC, which is located in the Permata Jingga housing complex. According to him, the reading house provided is not exclusively served only for select areas. However, all levels of society can visit and read the various books.
"Hopefully, our efforts can have a positive impact on the community, especially children. At least it can increase interest in reading, which will also increase their literacy. Of course, we will also continue to provide quality books that add knowledge and insight," she concluded. (apg/wil)


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