Tim Eskalator 3 UMM (paling kiri) menjadi juara satu pada kompetisi PR bertajuk "Surabaya City Branding" mengalahkan tim dari Unpad Bandung dan Undip Semarang. |
Communication Studies of UMM win in the Public Relation of Communication Students Summit 2015 competence at Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya. UMM team become the 1st winner of the competence of “Surabaya City Branding”. The winner team members were Arina Widya Kurniawati, Danny Rizky, and Audila Rima.
The UMM “Eskalator 3” team successfully surpassed the other two spectators, namely Padjajaran University Bandung and Diponegoro University Semarang. Escalator 3 team did rebranding in the existing identity of Surabaya City, “Sparkling Surabaya”.
Arina and the team felt that the existing identity, “Sparkling Surabaya”, wasn’t suitable for the city identity. They came into this conclusion after conducting 10-day-research about Surabaya. “We proposed “Surabaya Berkesan” as the city brand in our proposal with remarkable historiography of Indonesia as its key term,” Arnia said.
In their proposed branding, they highlight the historical value of Surabaya as the main side without disregarding the culinary, social, urban planning, industry, and tourism. “We planned an integrated program, starting from introducing Surabaya Berkesan, inviting the people to participate in building the identity of their city, and also encourage them to be proud as Surabaya people,” said Arnia, a student of Communication Studies class of 2013.
Surabaya Berkesan, said Arina, is expected to give the impression to the tourists that Surabaya is a complete city. “Surabaya is a Metropolitan city which has a lot of histories and has a lot of aspects which strengthen our city branding concept,” she asserted.
Total is the Eskalator 3 identity. It can be seen while they were doing their presentation. “We wore military style green jacket and brought prototypes of Surabaya tourism mock-up in our presentation,” she asserted.
Besides participating in this competence, Arina was also a member of the team which won the same competence at University of Muhammadyah Yogyakarta (UMY) in 2014. They successfully defeated the other two teams of University of Indonesia (UI) and University of Atmajaya Yogyakarta. (zul/han/t_rfd)